Page 69 of Trick Me Twice
Nobody had any answers. Eventually Xavier sighed. “Let’s talk about it more later. You need to go and meet Carter. He’ll kill us if we don’t get you there. He’s got plans for the two of you.”
Suddenly, the fear was replaced with warmth. Excitement coursed through me, and my smile reappeared. “I’d better go and meet him, then.”
A combination of relief and exhilaration was filling me, leaving me with a permanent grin. So much of tonight had relied on outside factors—Imogen keeping her word to bring Raine with her, everyone else going along with my plan, and more importantly, Raine actually forgiving me after all the shit I’d put her through.
After I’d seen the picture of Raine with Cassius and pretty much lost it, I’d got to work. My mind flashed back to the most awkward part of the week.
“Dad? I need to speak to you. Both of you, I guess.” My parents stared at me across the table, seemingly taken aback by the serious tone of my voice.
“Speak up, then. What is it? Is this about your grades?” My dad placed the fork on his plate with a clatter.
I shook my head, gritting my teeth and balling my fists, forcing myself not to react. “No. It’s about Raine.”
He raised a brow, leaning forwards slightly as he studied me. My mum dabbed at her mouth with her napkin, glancing between me and my dad, before she gave a short laugh. “I think I see what’s going on here.”
“Really?” My dad turned to her. “Because I don’t.”
Instead of replying to him, she turned back to me. “Speak, Carter.”
“Okay.” I swallowed, then went for it. “I like Raine. What I don’t like is your constant comparisons between me and her.”
My dad frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You’re always comparing me to her. Everything she does is perfect, in your eyes, and nothing I do is ever good enough. You’re always asking me why I can’t be more like her.” My fucking voice cracked, and I cleared my throat, clenching my jaw so tightly I knew I was going to give myself a headache.
“Oh, Carter.” My mum’s eyes filled with tears. “Is that what you really think?” At my nod, she sniffed a little, before she gathered herself. “I’m so sorry that you thought that we were comparing the two of you. That was certainly never my intention. We, well, I praise her because she doesn’t have anyone else to do so. You know what Pam can be like. She takes Raine’s intelligence for granted. And I’m not blind, Carter. I know that she doesn’t seem to have much of a social life, and I know that you’re the…the opposite, I suppose. Popularity has always been a part of your life. You’re used to the adoration of your friends, and Raine…I get the impression that she doesn’t really have the same support network you do.”
My dad nodded. “I concur. And Carter, the reason I ride you so hard about your schoolwork is because I know how intelligent you are, and I know that if you apply yourself, you can reach the same high standard in all your classes.” He sighed heavily. “I hadn’t realised that you felt that way. You never said anything before.”
“I shouldn’t have had to. It would be nice to have some support from my own parents,” I said bitterly.
“You like her as more than a friend, don’t you?” My mum had been studying me silently, her eyes still a little watery, but a gleam came into them as she spoke.
I nodded. No point denying it.
A smile flitted across her face, before she turned to my dad. “I think I speak for both of us when I say that we’ll make an effort here. But I want you to try, too.”
“Don’t think I’m going to stop giving you a hard time about your schoolwork,” my dad added gruffly. “But I want you to know that we’re proud of all you’ve achieved.”
“Okay. Good. Thanks.” Suddenly I wasn’t sure what to say, and I shuffled in my seat, suddenly needing to get away. My dad cleared his throat.
“Was that everything you wanted to discuss?”
“Yeah. That was it.”
“Alright. Then if you’ll excuse me, I need to make a couple of phone calls.” He stood, placing a quick kiss on the top of my mum’s head, before leaving the dining room.
My mum also stood. “Be careful with Rainey, Carter. She needs to be taken care of. But for what it’s worth, I think the two of you could have something special.” She smiled at me, before leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Since that conversation, my parents had backed right off. Still riding me about my schoolwork, but no more comparisons. I’d roped Imogen into the rest of my plan. She made me fucking grovel when I told her what a dick I’d been, and to start with I wasn’t even sure she’d help me. When I flat-out begged, I think she finally realised I was serious, and she’d agreed to help.
All through the game, my focus had been on football. I owed it to my team to play my best game and not allow any distractions. As soon as the final whistle had blown, though, the euphoria from our win was drowned out by the pressing need to get to Raine and put in place the final part of my plan.
I hadn’t even allowed myself to look for her in the stands, but I saw her straight away, watching me with the same intensity I was watching her. As I ran towards her, I could see the apprehension in her expressive hazel eyes, and all I could do was hope that the statement I was about to make was enough for her.
When I lifted her over the barrier and into my arms, the win suddenly became completely insignificant, and I knew that this was the most important moment of my life so far. As I staked my very public claim on her, everything inside me settled. Nothing and no one was more important than her, and I intended to show her just how much she meant to me.