Page 65 of Trick Me Twice
“I take it the secret’s out?” Preston looked between me and Kian, and I couldn’t help grinning. The news had shocked me, mainly because I’d never had any inkling of Kian being into guys, let alone being in an actual relationship. A relationship with anyone, for that matter. But looking at them right now, anyone could see how happy they were together, and that was enough for me. Kian was one of my best mates, and he deserved happiness, and Preston was a good guy.
“I’m happy for you both,” I told them, and I meant it. “How long has this been going on?”
It was Kian who answered me. “Since Fright Night.”
Now it was my turn to smirk. “I wasn’t the only one to have a secret hook-up over Halloween, then.” Kian grinned at me, and I returned it, suddenly feeling lighter.
We continued the second half of training, and somehow my unexpectedly serious conversation with Kian had helped more than anything else had so far. My concentration was back, and the team gelled, working together instinctively. We didn’t always manage it, but when we did, it was pure magic. We were untouchable, unstoppable.
I kept an eye on Kian and Preston until practice was over and we’d showered and headed to our cars, needing to make sure there’d be no trouble from any of our teammates after their announcement. After seeing how no one on the team seemed to have a problem with Kian coming out as openly being with Preston, or at least, not to his face, I realised something. We were the kings of the school. We had power. People wouldn’t dare to go up against us—they didn’t want to risk a drop to the bottom of the food chain. If Raine wanted to be with me, I’d protect her. Shield her from any hurt. Try my fucking hardest to make it better.
My head was clear for the first time in weeks, and I knew what I had to do. First, I needed to have a talk with my dad. Next, I needed to check out what exactly was going on with Raine and Cassius Drummond. And then…then, I needed to come up with a plan to make Raine Laurent realise that she was mine.
“I really don’t want to do this,” I muttered under my breath as I reluctantly opened the door of Imogen’s car. To say I’d been completely shocked when she’d invited me to go with her to watch the football match was an understatement. Aside for the fact that we’d never actively hung out before outside of school, she was most definitely part of Carter’s group of friends, and therefore not someone who would ever choose to hang out with me. Carter and I… I closed my eyes briefly. The photo hadn’t worked. He’d kept his distance from me all week, not even sparing me a look despite my constant glances in his direction.
Imogen had cornered me after drama club on Monday and asked me how I was doing, with all the gossip that had been flying around the school about Cassius Drummond, and I’d told her nothing was going on and Cassius and I were just friends. She’d made it a point to come over and talk to me all through the school week, just little moments here and there, but I really appreciated the gesture.
Anyway, all this had ended up with me agreeing to go to the football game with her. Lena had flat-out refused to come, but she’d encouraged me to go. Maybe I was being a masochist, but the thought of seeing Carter in his element, running all over the field, was a mental image that I definitely wanted to replace with the real thing.
Unfortunately, what I hadn’t realised was that I was being taken to the game with Anastasia.
“Hi.” Imogen beamed at me as I slid into the back seat, placing my jacket down next to me, and I returned her smile. “This is Emmeline, Ana’s sister.” She indicated to the pretty girl in the front seat, who gave me a brief smile. I recognised her from school—she was a couple of years below us, so I’d never spoken to her, but I’d seen her around. “And you know Ana.”
We eyed each other warily across the back seat; then Ana gave a small huff and an eye-roll. “No need to look at me like that. I won’t bite.”
“No, but you might try and kiss me again.” I laughed, then suddenly stopped dead. Why had I said that? And to Anastasia, of all people?
She stared at me for a moment, and then a laugh burst out of her. “I think you’re safe. My tastes extend to men, and men only.” Then she gave me an actual smile that reached her eyes, which I returned. What was happening? I thought back to Carter’s suspicions that Anastasia had been the person behind the money theft and the vandalising of my locker. Was this sudden change prompted by guilt?
“Am I being set up? Why are you guys being nice to me?”
Anastasia’s gaze flicked to Imogen’s in the rear-view mirror, and Imogen frowned at her. She pursed her lips, then turned back to me. “Believe me, you weren’t my first choice of people to be around. But you’re not so bad.” She waved a casual hand in my direction, her manicured nails glinting with some kind of subtle, shimmery polish.
“You scrub up well. If I didn’t know you, I might be interested in being friends.”
“Um. Thanks? I think?” I sat back in my seat, clipping my seat belt into place as Imogen pulled away from my house. I stared down at myself. I wasn’t even wearing anything special.
Okay, that was a lie. I’d made way, way more effort than I would normally. Not even because the thought of seeing Carter sent alternate shivers of excitement and dread racing through me. I had to remind myself that he wasn’t interested anymore. I wanted to do it for myself. For me. I was done hiding. Yeah, I didn’t have to wear make-up and get all dressed up. No one should have to, if they didn’t want to. But I wanted to. I liked wearing make-up. I liked experimenting with clothes. My desire to remain in the shadows…I hadn’t realised until recently just how stifling that had been. I was trying to suppress that side of me that wanted to get creative and try new things, and I was ready to let it free.
There hadn’t been that much of a change, in reality. I had on light make-up, and I’d curled my hair so it hung in waves down my back. I’d paired tight jeans with my tan leather boots and a black V-necked jumper that clung to my curves.
We parked at the school, and I followed the girls to the stands. Of course, we had to sit right by the football pitch, in the prime seating area.
“I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to be this close to the players.” I hesitated in front of the seats.
“All the players, or one in particular?” Imogen gave me a knowing look, and I sighed.
“I might just go and sit up there.” I pointed to the empty seats on the end of the row, right near the top of the stands.
“No, you’re sitting here.” Imogen dragged me down the row and pointed to a seat. “There.” She sat on one side of me, and Anastasia sat on the other side, with her sister next to her. “Okay, now you’re here. Do you know anything about football? Anything at all?”
I rolled my eyes. “Just because I haven’t been to any games before, doesn’t mean I don’t like football. It’s more…not wanting to be around people, I suppose.”
“Get ready to be taken out of your comfort zone, then.” She said the words that Lena had repeated to me over and over, and it made me smile.
“I’m ready. That’s why I’m here.” I undid my jacket, because it was actually not so cold under the floodlights, sandwiched between the girls. “Actually, I lied when I said I know about football. I mean, I watch the international games, but I have no clue about the rules. Especially the offside rule. No idea how that works.”