Page 72 of The Havoc We Wreak (The Four 3)
I hit the Call button again and left a message. “Dad. Christine’s planning to take over Alstone Holdings. West has sent you all the evidence we have. We’re heading to the docks—we have Allan, and she has Jessa De Witt.” I paused, then choked out, “In case everything goes wrong, I want you to know, I’ve forgiven you. And I’m sorry for the way I acted, too.”
Winter grabbed my hand as I ended the call. “I’m proud of you,” she whispered, kissing my jaw softly. I gave her a small smile, keeping hold of her hand as I turned to the others.
“I’ll take Allan and Hyde. We’ve only got my car and the SUV here, so we’ll split up, and when we get near to the docks, we’ll pull over and I’ll go on in with them. I don’t want any of you in danger.”
I took in the identical expressions of grim determination on their faces. Fuck, they weren’t going to listen to me. “Z, can you get hold of Mack on the way? We don’t have any time to lose.”
He nodded. “On it.”
I leaned closer to my girlfriend. “Baby, can you get hold of Granville? See if we can get him to go to AMC if we can’t get hold of Dad.”
I continued to bark out orders, not that we had time to do much. It was fucking pissing down with rain outside, it was going to take us long enough to get to the docks as it was.
“Everything’s sent.” My brother looked up from the computer.
“Good. Let’s go.”
Caiden followed behind Cassius’ SUV, our speed much slower than usual on the rain-slicked roads. I could just about make out the taillights in front of us, the wind sending the rain lashing at the windows faster than the wipers could clear it away.
“If anything happens to me…” Caiden’s voice trailed off, white-knuckling the steering wheel, his jaw set.
“Don’t talk like that,” I begged him. I couldn’t let myself think about anything going wrong. Somehow, we had to get through this. My fingers closed around the sheathed knife I’d liberated from Zayde before we left. I knew that Caiden would try and keep me away from my mother, but there was no way I was letting him face her alone. We’d thought we’d been so prepared, but now here we were, our only protection a few knives, and no backup.
My phone battery was low, but I made the call.
“Winter? What’s happening?” James’ concerned voice came through the speaker.
“Christine found out we had Allan.” I hurried to continue, interrupting his shocked exclamation. “She has Jessa. Why would she have Jessa? And why does Joseph think she’s Caiden’s girlfriend?”
“Oh, fuck. I told him that they were together. Trying to throw him off the scent, make him think his plan worked. What do you mean she has Jessa?”
“I don’t know. But we’re on our way to the docks. She said if we don’t bring Allan back, she’s going to kill Jessa.”
“What the fuck!”
“She sounds pretty desperate. No idea how and when she got her, but at this point, that’s not important. We have to get her back.”
“What can I do?”
“Can you get to AMC? Try and get hold of Arlo?”
“On my way.” I heard the sound of a door slamming. “Should I call the police or something?”
“No. No police. Remember, we kidnapped two people. Not to mention the petrol bombs. Oh, and Zayde torturing Joseph.”
“He what?”
“Just a bit. Only a tiny cut. It couldn’t really be classed as torture, but…you know. The police won’t see it the same way.”
“Right. Anything else?” The sound of his car engine starting up came through the speakers.
“No. Just get hold of Arlo, and get him to check his phone. Thanks.” I ended the call and turned to Caiden. “Do you have a plan?”
“No.” That one word was loaded with despair, and my stomach flipped.