Page 54 of The Havoc We Wreak (The Four 3)
“We’ve come this far. We can’t give up now,” I urged. He sighed, and instead of leading me into the building, he headed around the side, into a tiny side street that was more like an alleyway, all cobblestones and large rubbish bins clustered in front of plain metal doors. Cameras were mounted everywhere, and I had the sense of being watched. He stalked down the alley and stopped in front of a nondescript grey door, then pressed a buzzer mounted on the wall. I heard a whirr as a camera swung around, and Zayde lifted his head, lowering his hood so the camera could see his face. We waited for a couple of minutes, before the door swung open and we stepped inside. There was a long corridor with one door at the other end, and that was where we headed.
The door slid open as we approached, and I saw it was actually a lift. Zayde pulled out a black card from his pocket and inserted it into a slot on the wall, then hit the button that said “13.” The lift began to ascend with a slight shudder, and I stood silently, concentrating on breathing in and out, trying to stop the nerves overtaking me. We came to a stop, and Zayde placed a hand on my arm as the door opened.
“Let me do the talking.”
I nodded and followed him out of the lift. We were standing in a large corridor of what looked like an incredibly opulent office block. Zayde sauntered casually down the corridor, clearly having been here enough times to feel confident in these surroundings.
He reached a door at the very end of the corridor and knocked once. I heard a soft, feminine voice call, “Come in,” and the door opened for us.
We entered a room that looked like an upmarket waiting room, all shiny, polished glass, potted plants, and a large desk where a stunning woman in what I’d guess to be her mid-twenties sat, eyeing us. I couldn’t help staring at her as she rose from the desk and walked around to us w
ith a smile. Her hair was beautiful.
“Your hair…”
I hadn’t actually meant to speak aloud, but she gave me a huge smile. “You like it?” She tossed it, letting the waves cascade over her shoulders. Shades of blue shot through with sea greens and purples, it shimmered as it moved, the colours reminding me of a tropical ocean.
“I love it. It’s stunning.”
“Thank you so much. I love experimenting with hair colour.” She smiled brightly again and briefly clasped my hand in greeting. “I’m Natalie Brooks, Mr. Pope’s assistant. You must be Ms. Huntington. Mr. Pope has been expecting you.”
“Please, call me Winter. Ms. Huntington sounds weird to me. Way too formal.”
“Of course. Hello, Zayde.” Her attention turned to him, and her cheeks flushed slightly.
“Natalie.” He barely spared her a glance, but I saw the look she gave him. Irritation warred with lust and longing. Hmm.
“Mr. Pope is just finishing up another meeting, so if you’d like to take a seat, go ahead. He won’t be long.”
Zayde needed no more invitation, sprawling on a stylish grey sofa that looked really uncomfortable, while I sidled closer to Natalie, who had made her way back around the desk and was seated once again.
“What’s the deal with you and Z?” Keeping my voice low, I leaned over the desk, curious.
She glanced up from the computer. “Nothing. A one-time thing, never to be repeated.” Her gaze briefly flicked towards him, and then she rolled her eyes. “None of these guys know the meaning of the word relationship, or commitment.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Caiden appeared in my mind. How he’d been so anti-relationships when he met me.
“His piercings, though.” Her voice turned breathy as she practically swooned. “Whoever manages to crack through the ice prince’s façade is going to be one lucky woman.”
Almost as soon as she’d stopped speaking, the door swung open and Creed appeared in the doorway, ushering out a huge, muscular guy that I definitely wouldn’t want to meet down a dark alleyway.
“I’ll be in touch. Go and take care of your woman problem,” Creed was saying as they walked out. The guy snorted, shaking his head, before looking over to where I was standing with Zayde.
“Z.” He nodded.
“I’ll show Mr. Savage out,” Natalie said, her professionalism snapping into place as she came back around the desk. She disappeared out of the doors we’d entered by, and I followed Creed and Zayde into Creed’s office.
“Wow. This is impressive.”
My feet sank into plush grey carpet, and I stumbled slightly on my heels. Steadying myself on the overflowing bookshelf lining one wall, I glanced around and found my jaw dropping. The room was huge—a corner office with two sides made up of floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing a breathtaking view of the river and the city skyline beyond. Two expensive-looking modern leather sofas intersected with a glass coffee table sat in front of the windows, alongside an oversized desk.
Creed strode across the office and stopped at the side of his desk, turning to face me. “Winter, it’s good to see you again,” he said smoothly.
“Y-you too,” I stuttered, my gaze drawn to the skyline. This all felt so much more formal than the other times I’d seen him, and I was a little intimidated both by the surroundings and the large man in front of me.
“My empire.” He indicated out of the windows, following my line of sight. “This is where I conduct most of my business. The first time you met me, you got to see a side of me that I don’t allow many to see. Other than my close friends, that is.”