Page 5 of The Havoc We Wreak (The Four 3)
What? What was Lena mixed up in?
“What feminine charms,” Cassius muttered darkly.
Before he could say anything else, Caiden spoke next to my ear, his voice hard. “Who gave you the task? And why? And how?”
She glanced at him and shook her head. “I really can’t say. Not yet, anyway. Sorry. But just think about it for a minute. If what you’re telling me is right, that this same ID appeared at the same time Winter was rescued, then it must’ve been him. I mean, the person I was getting the ID for. It wasn’t me; I can tell you that.”
Weston stared at her. “Wouldn’t the card have been deactivated once they realised it was missing?”
“Oh, that was an easy fix. My contact knew what to do.”
He raised a brow, silent for a moment, before he nodded slowly. “Yeah. I guess if they knew what they were doing, and had the right equipment. Now, what were you doing at the docks today?”
Lena bit her lip. “I had to check something out
for someone. I want to tell you the details, I really do, but I can’t get hold of my—of them right now, and I can’t say anything until I’ve spoken to them. All I can say is, there’s something seriously shady going on down there.”
“Well, that’s just fucking brilliant.” Cassius rolled his eyes. “Really helpful, sis.”
“Fuck off.” She threw her middle finger up at him, and he returned the gesture.
“That’s sibling love, right there.” I tried to ease the tension. Again. “Lena, can you tell us anything more? Anything at all?”
“I can’t. Not yet, anyway. Look, if I could, I would. You have to give me time. I promise you, I’ll have more answers for you as soon as I can.”
Both of us ignored Cassius’ low growl of disapproval. He wasn’t about to let this drop, and I knew he’d be having words with Lena later.
“Okay. So you have to wait for someone to get in touch, before you tell us any details?” I probed carefully.
“Yep.” She picked up her phone and started swiping at the screen.
“Why didn’t you sneak in and out of the docks, like we did?” I wondered aloud.
Lena laughed. “That ID is like a golden ticket. I can get in and out anywhere, without wasting time sneaking around.”
“But you’re too recognisable! What if someone sees you and knows who you are?”
She waved her arm in the air, unconcerned. “I can talk my way out of anything.”
I stared at her, open-mouthed, torn between irritation and concern. Was this how Caiden felt when I did something stupid? Probably. I groaned aloud.
“That’s really fucking stupid,” Cassius snapped at her. She ignored him, her thumbs flying over her phone screen.
“Okay, I can see we’re not getting anywhere with this discussion.” I sighed, trying to tamp down my frustration. “While we’re waiting for Lena to hear from her contact, shall we get food? There’s that all-night pizza place that delivers, if pizza’s okay with everyone?”
“I’ll sort it,” Caiden murmured in my ear, then moved me off him. “I need a minute.”
“You okay?” I glanced at him, concerned.
“Yeah. It’s just a lot to deal with, y’know? All this shit with you and Allan, and now Lena, and the stuff that happened earlier with you and me.”
“The ‘I love you’?” I whispered, and he nodded.
Fuck, I hoped he wasn’t regretting saying it.
He must’ve noticed my expression because he stopped dead. Our eyes met, and he stared at me for a long moment, before he leaned over, kissing me fiercely. “Never doubt it. It was scary as fuck saying it, but I mean it. I love you, okay?”