Page 73 of Devil You Hate (The Diavolo Crime Family 1)
Back in the hallway, I gather the firewood and then enter Nicolo’s office. Thankfully, it’s empty. I let out a sigh of relief and take the wood to the still mostly full box by the fireplace. Once it’s neatly stacked, I turn to leave and collide with a firm chest.
Craning my neck back, I drag my gaze up his body. Not the devil, but the devil’s brother. Lucca stands directly in front of me, blocking my exit.
He’s wearing jeans, a tight black T-shirt, and a scowl just for me. “What the hell are you doing in here?”
I take a step back, but remember my plan, and force myself to at least not retreat any further. “I was just filling the wood box. It’s my chore for the day.” I add a smile on the end, which only causes his frown to deepen.
He throws himself in the armchair in front of the desk like a teenager called to the principal’s office. All his long limbs splayed; his arms crossed over his chest defiantly. “Get the hell out of here and bother someone else.”
I try not to flinch at the harshness of his voice. This is not going how I expected it to. I almost flee in fear, coming up with a different plan, a better plan.
His voice makes me jump. “Why are you still here?”
I clear my throat and take a fearful step toward him, but he doesn’t look up at me. “I was actually wondering if you had any advice for tomorrow?”
Now he arches his neck to stare at me over his shoulder. “Tomorrow?”
“The auction? Any advice to make sure I end up with someone decent?” The words make me want to vomit, but I spit them out anyway, hoping I sound at least pitiable.
He drags his eyes down my body to my bare feet and back up to my face. “You’ll be fine, I’m sure. Just keep your disgusting scar covered. Not that it matters, they can just fuck you from behind, I guess.”
I squeeze my hands tight and then release one to touch the top of his shoulder. It’s a gentle touch, but the second I make contact, he launches out of the chair and halfway across the room.
“What is wrong with you?” he roars.
I can’t stop the shaking, not when he’s screaming at me. I tremble, and not in the same way I do when Nic touches me. This is pure, undiluted fear. Even my voice shakes when I answer him. “I’m sorry… I thought—”
“Thought what?” he demands, stalking forward to tower over me.
With him so close, I can see the resemblance to his brother, but I also see something else. His eyes, so full of pain, look familiar to me. I can’t place how, but I drag my gaze from his and stare down at the floor. “I don’t know. It was stupid. I’ll go back to my room now.”
I turn to head out, but he snags my arm and drags me back to him. He’s not touching me anywhere but the grip on my arm. It’s not as tight as the hold he had on my wrist before, but still iron, with no give. “What is stupid?”
Like I’m going to confess my plan to him. Not in a million years, not even if he tries to shake it out of me. “Nothing, you just looked like you were upset, is all.”
His forehead bunches up, and he looks so much younger without the perpetual scowl on his face. “I don’t need your pity or comfort. The only time I care for a woman’s company is when she is on her knees.”
That’s an opening if I ever heard one. I blink and look down at the floor, knowing what I have to do next. I slowly sink down to the rug in front of Nicolo’s desk. “I can do that.”
I think more in shock than permission; he lets me get all the way to the floor. Just as he hauls me back up again, Nicolo walks into the office at a slow and steady amble.
Oh, god. I am so fucked.
“Am I interrupting?” he asks, studying us, especially me, still mostly kneeling in front of his brother.
I surge to my feet and gently tug my arm from Lucas’s grasp. “No, of course not. I was just putting the firewood away like you asked.”
Lucas’s expression is unreadable. A cross between you’re a fucking idiot, and how did I end up in this situation.
Nicolo turns his attention to his brother, who’s already flexing his fists at his sides. “Anything you want to tell me, brother?”
He snorts and shrugs. “Just the usual. Go fuck yourself, and I’ll see you at dinner.”
When he tries to walk out, Nicolo grabs him by the shirt and flings him back in front of him. I scramble out of the way, so I don’t get caught between them. Nicolo and his brother remind me of a bull and a red flag. The outcome can never end well.