Page 23 of Off Limits Daddy (Forbidden Fantasies 21)
But our relationship seems to be on the up and up because my mother has softened a bit in her old age. For example, she always used to scoff at my passion for art, deeming it a fruitless life path that would leave me deep in debt. But the more time we spend together, the more Susan sees how happy it makes me and how passionate I am about my work. She even threw me a surprise congratulations party when I landed a position with ArtNet. It’s a dream come true because ArtNet is an established magazine focused on the latest developments in the art world. To my surprise, they hired me to illustrate for them! As a result, I conceptualize and create various drawings to accompany articles in the magazine, and sometimes, there isn’t even an article. My pieces stand on their own, and I even have a few commissions in the works because ArtNet has provided so much exposure.
But now, it’s time to get married. Smiling happily, I gaze at my handsome groom. We’ve chosen to have a beautiful courtyard wedding with a string quartet accompaniment. White ribbon is strung above the altar and colorful flower arrangements surround the audience. Large cherry blossom trees in full bloom are the perfect backdrop for our I do’s, and a feeling of bliss sinks into my soul as I gaze at my fiancé adoringly. This is heaven.
We keep the actual ceremony brief and to the point because Paul and I are more interested in spending time with friends and family than going through a long and tedious process. The officiant says a few words, we speak our vows, and then we share a passionate kiss before turning the crowd loose to celebrate.
Our friends are jovial and joyful, and toast us multiple times. By the end of the night, everyone is a bit soused, and I’m sharing some refreshments with my friends Sansa and Marley by one of the tables. We laugh, reminiscing about City Girls because it was such a big part of our lives, although of course, Marley and I have moved on.
“Maybe I should get to know one of these guys at the repo center!” Sansa giggles.
“Yeah, who knew repo men were so desirable?” Marley chimes. “Just look at my husband! Isn’t that guy hot?”
“And mine too,” I say, my eyes alighting on my new husband. Paul’s out on the dance floor, and he’s absolutely gorgeous. His tie is pulled loose and the top two buttons of his collar are undone. His black hair is slicked back, and I love seeing his butt bounce as he shimmies to the rhythm. Of course, Molly and Missy, his two nieces, spin circles around him, delirious with laughter at their uncle’s goofy dance moves.
“He really is something, isn’t he?” I say, my heart feeling full of love. My life has become a dream, and I can honestly say I have everything I’ve ever wanted. This is pure bliss.
But Marley interrupts my thoughts.
“You know, Sansa,” my new sister in law starts. “One of Paul’s groomsmen today is a NYC Repo man. Would you be interested in meeting him?”
“Would I?” Sansa exclaims. “Please girlfriend, introduce me now! You are a matchmaker extraordinaire, especially since Paul and Nella are now married because of your efforts.”
“I am, aren’t I?” Marley giggles. “Maybe I should start charging.”
With that, my two friends hurry off in pursuit of the lucky groomsman. He’d be a dolt not to recognize the prize that is Sansa, and I smile happily again.
Not long afterwards, I join Paul on the dance floor as the DJ switches gears and turns on a romantic slow song. Paul extends a big hand to me.
“My lady,” he growls with a dazzling smile. I take his hand and we slow dance as man and wife. It’s amazing and I sigh happily against his shoulder.
“Is today everything you hoped for, baby?” he whispers in my ear. I nod.
“It was perfect. Thank you so much for everything. I truly couldn’t be happier than I am right now.” Paul’s blue eyes glow as he gently kisses me, his lips warm against my own.
“I love you Nella.”
“I love you too, Paul.” But then I pull back.
“By the way, I have a surprise for you, husband-mine,” I say with a playful smile.
“Is it that you’re going to smear cake on my face?” he asks jokingly. “I don’t mind if you do, honey. It’s fine.”
I smile.
“Nope, that’s not it, because I’m not a cake-smearing bride. But Paul, I’m pregnant again. We’re going to have another baby.”
He stops dead in his tracks, staring at me.
“Are you serious, Nella? You mean it?”
I nod my head yes.