Page 10 of Off Limits Daddy (Forbidden Fantasies 21)
“Stop, stop,” begs Marley. “Otherwise she’ll get overexcited and we won’t be able to put her down for a nap later.”
Grinning, I do as told and stop tickling, only to pull Molly onto my lap. Her curls continue to shake as she giggles with fun.
“Does your doll have a name yet?” I ask her in my most enthusiastic voice.
She nods, beaming widely.
“Sis-sis!” Molly says.
“Cool! What did you name her?”
“Sissy!” Molly exclaims again as she thrusts the doll up towards my face so I can take a better look.
“Sissy? You already have a sissy.” I point to her little sister, who’s currently lying peacefully in her mother’s arms.
“No Uncle Paul! Baby’s name is Missy. This is Sissy!” With this, she waves the doll enthusiastically again, so hard that the head tosses back and forth in a worrisome manner. Then, the little girl jumps off my lap and heads to her pile of toys on the rug in the middle of the living room, our conversation completely forgotten. She’s blissfully unaware of the laughter from us adults at her adorable response, and we watch Molly play teatime with her dolls, serving them plastic crackers and jam.
“You know, Paul, my daughters can only distract me for so long,” Marley says in a playful tone. “Eventually I’m going to get the story out of you.”
“I’ll bide my time,” I respond with a wink.
“Clearly it didn’t go that well,” Justin jumps in again. “If Paul had a hot date, he’d be bragging about it non-stop.”
I roll my eyes.
“No, I wouldn’t. Okay, fine. It was an excellent date, Marley,” I say. “Nella is a beautiful woman and we got along well. Like I said, we had a lot of fun, and thank you for setting it up.”
My cousin’s wife leans forward eagerly.
“So are you going to see her again then?” she asks. I decide to play it cool. There’s no sense in revealing that Nella and I have been spending near 24/7 together, today excepted.
“We exchanged numbers,” I grin. “I’ll be getting in touch, don’t worry. Your friend will definitely hear from me.”
With that, I get up out of my chair and excuse myself to head to the restroom. It’s better to avoid a torrent of questions from Marley because to be honest, I have no idea how I’d answer some of them. How do I reveal that I treated Nella like a whore? Even more, should I tell them that I’m basically paying the buxom brunette money to not work for City Girls anymore? It would mean a long conversation, and I’m not quite ready for that yet.
Once inside the bathroom, I whip out my cell and text the object of my affections.
Are u free? I’ll pick you up in an hour.
Almost immediately, Nella writes back.
I thought you’d never ask.
I smirk at her text. Seems like we both can’t get enough, which suits me just fine because I’ve never met a woman as plush and sweet as the gorgeous girl. I want to hear her moan again, in addition to feeding her dinner and asking more about her art.
After I’m done in the bathroom, I step out and say my goodbyes.
“So soon?” Justin asks, a black brow raised. “You’ve barely even had a drink with me! I don’t get to cut loose like this too often these days.”
“These days?” Marley scoffs. “Like you were such a wild child before us girls entered your life.”
He smiles and kisses his wife. This man is pussy-whipped, and even more, Justin knows it and loves it.
“I have some business to take care of in the morning,” I explain with an apologetic wave of my hand. “I really should get back so I can make sure everything is in order.”
“Oh of course,” Marley says as she hops to her feet. “Thank you for coming by! The girls just love having you come over, Paul,” Marley adds. “You’re like their second father.”
Justin harrumphs from over her shoulder.
“Hardly. Our friend here is so unfatherly that it’s hard to believe he dotes on Molly and Missy the way he does. But enjoy yourself,” Justin adds with a knowing wink. “Don’t work too hard.”
My cousin clearly suspects that I’m headed out for a steamy rendezvous, and he’s a hundred percent right.
With that, I say my goodbyes once more before making my way to Nella’s apartment.
“Hi stranger,” she says, opening the door. “I haven’t seen much of you lately,” she quips.
Immediately, I pull her into my arms, seizing that plush mouth with my own.
“You just got out of my bed this morning,” I growl. “But I’ve missed you.”
She’s panting at my intimate kiss, her pupils already dilated with arousal.
“I missed you too,” she giggles when I finally pull away. “Come on in.”
With that, I step into her apartment. It’s a small space, but she’s decorated it well. The walls have colorful prints on them, and her couch has been reupholstered in a pink and grey pattern.