Page 106 of Fallen Daughters
“No, it’s not wrong. Something has been awoken inside of you. Maybe that is the only thing good that will come out of this fucking situation. Maybe you will walk away having discovered that there is a part of you hidden deep inside that enjoys the sharp edge of sex, of dominance and submission. Don’t ever be ashamed for how you feel.”
“I feel like I’m losing my mind. I want to cry. I want the tears of lust, hunger, passion to soak my face. I want to taste the salty taste of naughty. I’m a bad, bad girl and like it. I like the feel of correction. I like the biting sting of your punishment. I like the pain. Fuck me! I love the fucking pain!”
All the chaos and angst going on in her brain was being countered by Decker’s light touches, soothing words and gentle kisses. Somehow he made her feel safe. Not only in the immediate now, but safe to feel the way she did. Jessa knew she wasn’t a foolish woman. She had made some pretty stupid decisions in her life, but she considered herself a strong, independent lady with a decent amount of pride—even though she did manage to get herself kidnapped by two hillbillies with an IQ of a turkey. Regardless, she knew that her feelings for Decker were genuine. Her body and her responses to his touch were unlike any she had ever experienced before. It wasn’t love or anything of that nature. She wasn’t that type of woman to fall head over heals in love. But maybe if they had met at a different time, in a different place, there really could be something. For now, the sexual chemistry was off the chart, and he was right that something may have been awoken inside of her. A little pain equaled a lot of pleasure—this much she had learned.
“Do we really have to go out there?” she asked, dreading seeing Rune again and all the awful men.
Decker sighed. “Soon. For now, let’s just close our eyes and rest a little.” He rolled to her side and cradled her into his arms. “Let’s just enjoy this moment for a little bit longer.”
A loud explosion woke them from their sleep. The sheer force shook the floorboards the bed sat on. Shouts, then the sound of machine guns going off surrounded them. Chaos had erupted.
“What’s happening?” Jessa asked, terrified for both her and Decker.
“They’re here. They’ve come early.” Decker grabbed her by the arm and led her to a corner in the room where a desk stood. “Crouch down over here and cover your face. I’ll be back soon and come get you. Do not leave this place.”
“Wait! Please don’t leave me. I’m scared.”
Decker squatted down next to where she sat shaking on the floor. “You will be fine. I promise.”
“You can’t promise that!” The continual gunfire and explosions outside forced her have to yell to be heard. “What if something happens to you? They are shooting outside.” Another explosion shook the cabin. A sharp ringing in her ears caused her to almost not hear his next words.
“If I somehow do not come back, you wait until men in uniform come. You stay under this desk until that happens.”
A sob escaped her shaking body, and she clung to him. “I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want you to leave me.” Another explosion went off causing her to scream. “Please!”
Decker wrapped his arms around her body, and began rocking her back and forth. “Say goodbye to me. Say goodbye to this nightmare. Close your eyes and say goodbye to the demon of what your life has become. Soon. Soon you will see the light. Some men will come rushing in this door with guns, wide-eyed and ready to kill. Put your arms up high. Stay still. Allow the rescue to happen. You will be saved. You will be free. Say goodbye to me.” His statement came out like a lullaby, soothing her deep-seeded panic. “I promise you this will all be over soon.” He kissed her fast and hard and then reached for a gun in the drawer of the desk. “You’ll be okay, Jessa. You’ll be okay.”
Jessa cried out his name as he ran out of the cabin into the haze of bullets, screams, and death.
She remained under the desk for what felt like an eternity of war and destruction took place on the other side of the wall. Part of her knew the sounds were of rescue, but what if the Delta Force lost? What if they weren’t prepared enough and were no match to this crazed militia? What if they found out that Decker was a Delta Force infiltrate and then killed him, or tortured him for information? Holding her hands over her ears, she waited and listened until finally, the gunfire ceased, the explosions were no more, and she could hear voices of men giving commands and orders.