Page 93 of Bad Bad Girl
“That’s wonderful! That’s beyond wonderful. You deserve to have finally found a man like Vance,” Neely exclaimed.
“Did I hear my name?” Vance asked as he approached with a drink for him and Coley in his hands.
Coley reached for the drink and placed a soft kiss to Vance’s lips. “I was just sharing our plans about moving in together.”
“Congratulations, man. You’re going to need it with my sister,” Caine offered.
“Don’t I know it,” Vance joked in agreement.
“Whatever.” Coley playfully rolled her eyes. “Excuse me while I go use the restroom.” Coley turned to leave.
After using the bathroom, Coley walked out and paused when she saw that Travis and Sara had walked into the party. Sara had a smug smile on her face that made Coley want to sprint across the room and knock it right off her. Sara spotted Coley and pranced her way on over.
“Well hello, Coley. Or I guess I should be saying goodbye. I’m so sorry to hear that things didn’t work out for you and Vance.”
Coley simply smiled. She enjoyed the fact that Sara was in the dark about what was really going on.
“You really can’t get mad at Vance. It’s so hard to get over someone who you loved with all your heart. The fact that I’m with Travis must really kill him.”
Coley crossed her arms against her chest, raised an eyebrow and never lost her smile.
“Well, you know what they say about there being more fish in the sea. Maybe you can find yourself a good Irish boy. They seem to like their women a little more hearty… thick, if you know what I mean.” Sara smiled softly. The way she could deliver a blow to someone without blinking an eye was really something to admire.
“Hmmm…” Coley took a breath to try to contain her raging temper. “Actually, Sara, Vance and I are going to Ireland as a couple and then moving in together when we return.” Coley took a moment to relish the surprise that crossed Sara’s face. “I guess he managed to mend his heart from that one week fuck he had with you after all.”
Sara leaned in closer so only Coley would be able to hear her venom. “Just remember, that my pussy touched his lips when you kiss him.” Sara smiled and gave a wink. “Yummy.” She licked her lips to accentuate her point. “Enjoy.”
This was the final straw for Coley. She couldn’t hold back her anger any longer. Sara possessed the ability to bring out the worst in her. She could try to conduct herself with class, reserve and maturity. But at this moment, all she wanted was to beat the living shit out of the bitch before her. She knew she would cause a commotion. Vance would be pissed at her for sure, and Caine would be angry that she had started a fight in his home. But at this moment in time, Coley couldn’t care less. She would deal with their wrath later.
Coley reached for the back of Sara’s hair and grabbed an entire fist full. She yanked Sara’s head back as far back as it could go without snapping her neck. “Listen you fucked up, whack job.” Coley yanked her hair even harder. “You stay away from me, Vance and anyone else I care about. If I see you even glance in my direction, I will beat you to a fucking pulp. Are we clear?” Coley yanked Sara’s head, causing Sara to release a scream of shock mixed with pain.
Sara’s scream caught everyone’s attention in the room. All eyes were now cast in their direction. Coley’s eyes met with Vance and she could see his look of shock. Coley released Sara’s hair and returned her glare back to her.
Sara reached for her head and tried to rub out the sting. “I can’t believe you just did that you cunt!”
Coley’s rage exploded. “What was that? What did you just call me?” She got right into Sara’s face, challenging her to say it again.
Coley quickly glanced in Vance’s direction. Caine stood right next to him and lunged forward to break up the fight. Vance surprised Coley when he reached out his hand and prevented Caine from interfering. Vance gave a small nod of approval to Coley, letting her know he was on her side and backing her decision.
Sara leaned in and spat, “I called you by what you are. Cunt. You Cunt!”
Coley pulled her arm back and with as much force as she could muster, she brought her closed fist to the side of Sara’s face. The punch caused Sara to stumble back against the wall behind her.
Coley ignored the shooting pain working its way through her hand. “When you start something with me, Sara, you better damn sure be prepared to finish it.”
Coley then grabbed Sara’s hair once again and rammed her head into the wall she was up against. “This is for Neely! I’ve wanted to get you back for that for awhile now.”