Page 83 of Bad Bad Girl
Coley blushed. “Well, not exactly. I may have done it on purpose.”
“I understand. You still feel the need to test him. You need to see what you can get away with, and if he is truly man enough to stand by his word. You are testing him to see if he truly is strong enough to handle you. All of which is normal.”
“I guess that’s true. I just feel the need sometimes to see how far I can go. Does that make sense?” Coley admitted, feeling a sense of relief getting to discuss this with someone so much wiser.
“It makes complete sense. This is why I got spanked so much earlier on in my own relationship. After time, I no longer feel the need to push. He no longer feels the need to show me who the boss is. We created a rhythm and routine that made our love and our family flow harmoniously.”
“Do you ever get mad? Like it just isn’t fair that he always gets to be right?” Coley decided to lay out all her issues. Talking to Vance’s mom really did feel good.
“Oh yes! There has been many a spanking that I went into angry and it ended with me still just as angry. I have been spanked when I haven’t agreed with the reason or agreed that I even deserved one. But at the end of the day, it is his responsibility to decide when and why a punishment happens. That is the time it’s the hardest to truly submit to your husband.” She reached out and grabbed both of Coley’s hands. “And you’re right. It isn’t always fair. It isn’t always fair for the man either. He has the burden and the responsibility to be right and just. He has to lead. He has to be in charge. He has the ultimate responsibility to protect and love. He doesn’t get to have an ‘off’ day and just take a spanking to get back in line. He has to always be on the top of his game. He ultimately has to answer to God.”
Coley had never really thought of it like that. She had never really given thought that Vance had to always be level headed, calm, loving and in control. He didn’t get the luxury of being a brat just because he felt like it. Vance had to lead by example and do his best at all times to never disappoint.
“So, to me, my dear, I think we as the women get off easy with just getting spanked. The men take on the worry. They take on the concern. They take on the awesome responsibility of being the Head of the Household.”
Coley took another sip of her gin and took in the information. She had always understood Domestic Discipline. She considered herself pretty knowledgeable of the idea. But not until this very moment, did she truly grasp the concept. Never had she fully seen it through the eyes of such a mature and enlightened woman.
“Thank you. Thank you so much for helping me see what I thought I already saw,” Coley said barely above a whisper.
“You are quite welcome, my dear. It isn’t always going to be easy. It isn’t always going to feel right. But trust me when I say, that if you truly give yourself to Vance. If you truly let him love you and lead you, you will never find a greater happiness.”
“It looks like you got yourself a good one with that girl,” Vance’s dad commented casually as they sat watching the game. Vance valued spending moments like this with his father. Always being close, Vance respected his dad’s opinion of Coley.
“I agree. She’s one of a kind.” Vance took a swig of his beer. “I’m not playing around with this one. I want to marry her. I’ve never wanted anything more.”
Vance’s father gave an approving nod and went back to watching the game in silence for a few moments before speaking again. “So, son, I have to ask you, do you plan on living the traditional life with her?”
Vance nodded. “I do. I have.” He took another swig of his beer. “But, Dad, this time around I have a harder time at it. I mean, I’ve spanked many a girlfriend, but with Coley it’s different.”
“That’s because you love her.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Which is why it’s really important you stay strong and not bend on your belief. Trust me when I tell you that a sure way to lose her respect, is letting your love for her make you weak. A woman doesn’t want a man she can push around. She doesn’t want to be with a man who isn’t strong enough to be and stay in control.”
“I know, Dad. But I swear this woman will be the death of me,” Vance joked.