Page 80 of Bad Bad Girl
“Like…” She paused and reached for his hand so she could hold it. “Tell me about your past girlfriends.”
Vance faked choking. “God, no!”
“Come on! Tell me,” Coley demanded playfully.
“Why would you want to know about them?”
“I do. I want to know all the nitty gritty about you. Exes and all.”
Vance let out a big sigh. “Fine. What do you want to know?”
“Have you ever been in love?”
“I said the words before,” he confessed. “But I don’t think I ever truly loved anyone. Sad, I know.”
Coley took her eyes off the passing scenery to look at Vance. “Why?”
Vance shrugged. “I think it was a mixture of picking the wrong girls and being the wrong man.”
Coley smiled. “I like that… how you worded that. I may have to steal that line for my writing.” With a giggle, Coley lifted his hand which was encircled in hers and kissed the top of it. “Did you always believe in Domestic Discipline? Did you spank all your girlfriends?”
“No. I just started insisting on the lifestyle the past few years. All my early relationships were with women who would never even consider the idea. They were overly independent, tried to wear the pants in the relationship, and tried to out alpha me.” Vance took his eyes off the road briefly to glance at Coley. “I hated it. I hated the constant battle. Fighting, lashing out, making up, fighting, and repeating the cycle until you can’t take it anymore and finally end it. Then I would get into another relationship only to do it again.” Vance squeezed Coley’s hand before continuing. “I understand that all couples fight. It’s normal, but I don’t think it’s normal to constantly be in a power struggle which was what I was constantly in with everyone I dated. So I finally decided to change my ways of thinking. Hence, entering the world of Domestic Discipline.”
Coley loved hearing Vance talk so freely. “So, you never fell in love with anyone who also believed in DD? You didn’t have to deal with power struggles anymore, right?”
Vance took another deep breath. “This is the part where I was the wrong man.” Vance looked at Coley and gave her a small smirk. “I was the wrong man, because I had no idea how to be in the world of Domestic Discipline. Believe it or not, but it’s a lot more complicated than just pulling a girl over your knee and spanking her. You have to be emotionally connected and invested. I wasn’t either.”
“I don’t understand,” Coley said confused.
“I was just a bossy jerk. I didn’t want to give the love, the tenderness or the affection needed. I didn’t realize that to be the Head of Household you have to be a leader. Being a leader is far more than just telling someone what to do. I needed to earn respect. Earn the title. I didn’t understand how much of a man I needed to be. It goes far beyond just knowing how to spank someone for something you disapprove of. So, in the beginning it just made me an overbearing dick.”
Coley laughed.
“Basically, I had a lot of learning and growing to do,” Vance admitted. “There’s a fine line between being an alpha and being an asshole.”
“It takes quite the man to be so self-aware to see his faults. I’m impressed.”
Vance smiled. “All I know is that I hope to never repeat my mistakes with you. I love you far too much to be that asshole again. I want to earn your respect. Not just demand it.”
Coley leaned across the seat and placed a kiss on Vance’s cheek. “Okay, next question. Tell me about your parents. What should I expect?”
“You’ll love them. They’re very old-fashioned and traditional. My mom stayed home with us kids while dad would go off to work every day. Sort of like a 50’s sitcom, I guess. They’re religious but won’t judge you just because you aren’t. They love each other more than anyone I have ever met, and it’s obvious by just watching them. I admire their marriage and hope I can achieve what they have someday.”
“I can’t believe your parents are still married.”
“I know. They definitely have done something right all these years.”
“What else?”
Vance paused to think for a minute. “My mom is an excellent cook. Nothing gourmet or anything, but she can out cook Betty Crocker any day. My dad was one of those dads who threw the ball around, took us fishing, and spent quality time with us. They both were great parents. I guess I’m one of the few who can say I had a charmed childhood. No past demons for me.”
“Well, they did something good in raising you.”
Vance gave Coley’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “I can’t wait for you to meet them. You all are going to love each other.” He paused, just staring at the road ahead. After a few minutes he asked, “Do you want kids?”