Page 64 of Bad Bad Girl
Vance smiled softly. “You threw a really nice party.”
“Thank you.” Coley’s heart beat so hard it actually seemed as if it could be heard.
Vance reached out and moved a loose hair of Coley’s and softly placed it behind her ear. Keeping her curly hair contained seemed to always be a constant battle. Her hair was long, and at times beautiful, but for the most part, her curly locks remained unruly.
“Vance, I’m sorry you saw my temper out of control earlier. It’s just that I truly detest Sara and I—”
“Your friend was being attacked. It’s only natural you would want to go in and save her. I only held you back because Caine had it under control.”
Coley tried to control the blush that would reveal how much she liked Vance. “Well, my temper is not my best quality. I just hope I didn’t hurt you when I was flailing around like a crazy woman.”
“I like your temper. I’ve always loved that extra fire that’s in you,” Vance complimented.
“You have?”
Vance smiled. “There’s a lot I like about you.”
No use hiding the blush now. It was in full effect. Coley looked into his eyes quickly and then back at the ground. It was unlike her to be so bashful. “There’s a lot I like about you.” Her voice was barely louder than a whisper.
“We’ve been friends for a long time. I’ve always watched you from a distance.”
Coley blushed even more and couldn’t take her gaze away from her feet. “Why from a distance?”
Vance’s smile grew even bigger. “For one, you’re Caine’s sister, and also because you seem so… independent.”
Coley looked up into his eyes in shock. “What? What do you mean independent?” She couldn’t help but take offense to the term. It wasn’t an insult, but for some reason it sat wrong with her.
“I meant it as a compliment.” Vance reached for her hand. “You just never seem like you’ve wanted anyone in your life.” Vance brought the top of her hand to his lips and he placed a soft kiss. “Was I wrong?”
“Yes… I mean, no… I mean… I guess I just haven’t found the right person.”
Vance continued to place another kiss on the top of her hand. “What does someone need to do to be that right person?”
The question and the kiss of her hand caught Coley off guard. Was Vance flirting with her? Was Vance declaring that he wanted to be that guy? Was she reading too much into a simple kiss of the hand? Her head was spinning.
“I guess he just needs to be man enough for me,” Coley answered with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
Vance laughed. “Not an easy task!” He raised his hands up in defense as Coley’s eyebrow rose in question. “Don’t take that the wrong way. But you are one tough cookie. This, by the way, is what I really like about you. You’re strong, but sensitive. And I also might add, beautiful.” He sat quiet for a moment, and then took a deep breath before adding, “I’ve always had a crush on you.” He scanned her face with worry in his eyes. “I’m sorry if I’m being too forward.”
Her feelings weren’t one way. He admitted to what she had always felt. A huge relief washed over her. Coley smiled warmly. “I’ve always had a crush on you, too. I guess I always thought you just saw me as Caine’s little sister, so I never acted on it.”
“Well, I do. You’re one of my closest friend’s sister. Always off limits. Even having this conversation is making me uncomfortable.” He took another calm breath before continuing. “This is why I never made a move before. But I have a confession. Holding you back tonight… well… let’s just say, I didn’t want to let you go. And when we looked into each other’s eyes, I felt something. Am I crazy?”
Coley could feel the blush working its way from her face to the rest of her body. The compliment was nice, but having it come from Vance simply took her breath away. What was going on? She had never seen Vance in this way before. A harmless crush was one thing, but tonight something happened. Tonight made her realize that they could actually pursue something. She also had never wanted someone to kiss her so badly in her life.
Never one to be shy, Coley decided to act on her emotions and slowly leaned in to press her lips to Vance’s. The instant electricity that shot through her body when her mouth touched his was like nothing she could have imagined. Vance reached behind Coley’s head and pressed her deeper into the kiss. Within moments, Vance had taken control. He parted her lips gently with his tongue and slowly explored the wetness with his. His breath turned to a pant, mixing with the small gasps of Coley’s. Their tongues danced slowly as their lips continued to press together. Coley’s heart raced, her mind clouded and her body demanded more.