Page 60 of Bad Bad Girl
I couldn’t form any words as the group led me out to the brightly lit backyard. Everyone was standing around with a small aisle ending with Caine standing under an archway made of flowers and Chinese lanterns.
Matt led the group to the archway and softly handed me off to Caine. Caine took both of my hands in his and beamed.
“You said you wanted to be my wife soon.” Caine brought my hands to his lips and softly kissed them. “Will you marry me tonight?”
Never had I felt so much love in my life. Caine had planned a secret wedding. The romantic gesture was overwhelming. I wanted to melt into his arms and never have him let me go. The pieces were falling into place. The dress, the formal attire, his father’s ring, and this beautiful backyard were all planned by Caine to surprise me with a perfect wedding.
I nodded. “Yes, yes!” I exclaimed.
Caine turned us to face the priest. He nodded to begin the ceremony. I noticed that I had my friends standing on my side and his friends standing behind him. We were surrounded by love and beauty. I couldn’t have asked for a better setting.
The ceremony spiraled in a wave of love, promises and devotion. Words were spoken, but my mind and my heart were focused on Caine. Standing before me was the man of my dreams. The love I felt almost hurt with the intensity. The trance I was in was broken when I heard the words I so desperately wanted to hear.
“I now pronounce you man and wife.”
Caine pulled me into his arms and kissed me like I had never been kissed before. I could hear cheers and applause around me as his mouth devoured mine. He captured my breath with his, demanding everything I could give. I kissed him with all I had, giving myself over completely.
Caine was my husband. I was his wife. We were a family, a family with traditional values, an old-fashioned marriage, and a husband who spanked. We were going to be the married couple who everyone asks how they did it. How did the marriage stand the test of time? We were going to be the long lasting couple who would share a secret, a secret to a happy marriage. We would look into each other’s eyes and know the answer. A spanking marriage is a lasting marriage. For the most part, it would be our secret, our intimate way of working through conflict. A way to stay strong, committed and connected.
I couldn’t wait for the journey we would share together. Never before had I been so sure of my future, so sure that I would no longer be alone. I had such strength with Caine, happiness and resolve. I found what I needed in a man. I found what I so desperately needed to feel. I found my feminineness, my vulnerabilities, and my passion. With Caine…I found my love.
The End
Traditional Terms
Traditional Love, Book Two
Let me show you who I am, what I want. Let me touch you like no one has and give you all I am. I want your touch deep within me… deeper…
I need your strength, your protection, your power. I want to be taken. I want your body to command my passion – my desire.
Your rough hands pull at my panties. They slowly move to feel my heat and longing. Your hand possessively claims what now belongs to you.
Your tongue sends electric waves along my body. My lips part and gasp your name, begging for more, begging to feel you, begging for your touch.
I feel you spread me with your size. I moan as I feel the pleasure course through me. I kiss you with fervor, nipping at your lip.
I dig my fingers into your back as I feel the climax growing higher, higher and higher. I scream out your name as I arch my back in ecstasy.
I give you a soft smile as I caress my fingers lightly down your sides. I kiss you and say… I’m yours.
Coley typed the words and just stared at her computer. Why had writing become so difficult? It seemed like such a struggle lately. Nothing she wrote seemed genuine or real. She had been lucky in her career to have five successful erotica novels, but for some reason she had hit a wall. It wasn’t coming easily like before.
The pressure she was getting from her editor wasn’t helping. She wasn’t meeting deadlines like she should have, and she was losing confidence in her writing. Her recent trip to Prague was meant to rekindle her love for the written word, but it only seemed to be more of a distraction. She knew she needed to focus. Focusing was something she was never good at. Hopefully being back home, around the ones she loved, would help her finish the book she needed to complete.