Page 54 of Bad Bad Girl
Caine kissed me gently on the lips. “Relax, baby. Everything is taken care of from this point on. The only thing you have to do is show up,” Caine reassured.
I nodded. “I just need to shower and try to fix my mood I guess.”
“Well this may not be the best time to tell you, but Travis and Sara are coming over for breakfast so we can all talk,” Caine said sheepishly.
“What? No way. I have no desire to see that little bitch again!” I screamed.
Caine’s expression grew angry. “Neely, watch your mouth,” Caine warned. “I know you don’t want to see Sara, and frankly, neither do I. But Travis is a friend of mine, and I want him at the party which means Sara will be there, too. I would rather we try to fix this situation so we don’t have a scene at the party,” Caine explained calmly.
“Have you forgotten that the fucking loon attacked me?” I shouted. “Now you want me to play nice? No fucking way!”
Caine’s brown eyes darkened. “Neely enough!” he demanded. “Stop cussing now and calm down!”
“Fuck you! I’m not going to calm down!” I blurted.
The minute the words left my mouth, I instantly regretted saying them. I had never said something so harsh to Caine before. I should have stopped and begged for forgiveness, but my boiling point had gone too far over. I was furious and couldn’t stop.
“Fuck Sara, and fuck Travis! If you want to meet with them, then be my guest. But it will be a cold day in hell before I give that cunt the time of day!” I screamed.
I turned around and marched out of the room. I continued on to the bedroom and slammed the door as hard as I could behind me.
Seconds later, Caine stormed into the room. His brow was furrowed, and his jaw was tightly set. I could see he was furious. Yet, he still managed to stay calm and collected.
“Neely, what in the hell has gotten in to you?” Caine asked.
I crossed my arms and turned my back to him as my reply. I didn’t know what had gotten into me. I was pissed, I was angry, and I couldn’t control my temper. If Caine kept pushing the conversation, I may very well say more things that I would regret.
“Answer me!” Caine demanded in a firmer tone than before.
I refused to look at him. “Just leave me the fuck alone,” I shouted.
“That’s it!” Caine barked.
He grabbed my arm and swung me around. He pulled me over to the side of the bed and pushed me over his lap. The movement was so fast that I didn’t know what was going on until I was splayed over Caine’s lap and staring at the floor. He was going to spank me. But unlike all the times before, I in no way was going to just submit. I was furious.
“Let me go, Caine!” I screamed as I tried to force my way off his lap.
“No, Neely. I have tried to be patient with your bad mood, but you have taken it too far!” Caine stated firmly.
He yanked down my shorts and panties in one quick move. My kicking and squirming were no match to his strength.
“Fuck you! Let go of me right now!” I screamed.
Caine responded to my statement by giving ten rapid and hard swats on my bare bottom. I screamed and fought during each spank, desperately trying to escape. My focus was on my anger, and I could hardly feel the spanking. After the tenth spank, Caine finally spoke.
“Stop it right now, Neely! Or by God your ass is going to be sore for the next week!” Caine commanded.
He captured my legs under his leg and held my hands behind my back. No matter how much I tried to fight the spanking, I soon realized I was at his mercy. He spanked another ten rapid swats to my reddening ass, before I finally stopped my explosion.
Caine stopped spanking. “Are you done with your tantrum?”
I took a deep breath. “Yes,” I squeaked.
Caine kept me in the position over his knee. “There is no way I am ever going to let you talk to me like that. You will never swear at me again. Do you understand?” Caine commanded.
I nodded. “Yes, I’m sorry,” I half-heartedly apologized.
Caine swept his finger down to my surprisingly wet pussy. He stroked it a few times along the edge of my swollen lips collecting the signs of my arousal. The funny thing was, I wasn’t aroused. I was still edgy, and I just wanted off Caine’s lap as soon as possible. I would apologize if it meant having him stop and leave me alone.
“I don’t think you are,” Caine replied. “But after I give you the hardest spanking of your life, you will be.”