Page 51 of Bad Bad Girl
“Why?” I asked.
“She’s with Matt! I’m not sure of all the details, but he put his foot down and isn’t allowing her to drink anymore. But the best part is that she is letting him! Kendall and Matt are together,” Coley exclaimed.
“It’s not like we didn’t see this coming,” Rebecca replied.
“Good for them and good for her. She needed someone like Matt to help deal with her demons,” I stated. I truly believed that Kendall needed guidance by a strong man like Matt. She needed to be loved.
Rebecca dug in her purse and pulled out some money. She placed the bills on the table and stood up. “I’m sorry, guys. I don’t feel very well tonight. I’ll catch up with you later.”
“What? Are you sure? We can leave with you,” Coley offered.
Rebecca shook her head. “No, it’s fine really. I’ll be all right,” she stated before she headed for the door.
“We’ll see you tomorrow, right?” I called after her.
Rebecca didn’t turn around but called over her shoulder, “See you then.”
Coley looked at me confused. “Was it something I said?”
I shook my head. “Rebecca is having a hard time with the separation. I don’t think she really wants it,” I explained.
“Oh. I feel so bad for her. She really loved him.” Coley reached for my hand and squeezed tight. “Tell me. How are you and Caine doing?”
I could feel my heart speed up just thinking about him. “We are absolutely perfect! Your brother makes me so happy,” I gushed. I wanted so desperately to tell her about the engagement. But Caine and I had promised to wait until the party. I didn’t realize it would be this hard.
“He isn’t driving you crazy with his bossy ways?” Coley asked with a slight snicker.
“No. It’s sexy. He’s everything I need,” I answered, feeling myself get warm inside.
Coley looked around the bar. “Well hell! Our Girls’ Night Out has become a bust. How about you and I crash the Boys’ Night Out?” Coley suggested.
The idea seemed wonderful. I already missed Caine and couldn’t wait to see him. “That sounds great! Let’s go.”
We walked into the sports bar and found the guys sitting at the bar with their backs to us. I liked that we would be able to sneak up without them seeing us. Spotting Caine across the room caused my stomach to flip in anticipation. I still couldn’t believe that the gorgeous man casually leaning on the bar belonged to me.
I slowly walked up behind Caine and whispered in his ear, “What’s a handsome man like you doing alone?”
He turned in surprise and quickly wrapped his arms around me. “Hey, baby! What a surprise!” He suddenly looked worried and scanned my body and then quickly looked at Coley. “What’s wrong? Is everything all right?” Caine asked in concern.
“Everything’s fine. We just thought we’d have more fun with you guys,” I reassured him. “And I missed you.”
His eyes lit up. “I’m happy that you did.”
He nuzzled his face into my neck and started to kiss me, working his way toward my mouth. He pressed his tongue past my lips and danced his with mine. His hands lowered until they were both wrapped around my ass. I became dizzy with his passionate display of affection.
“Caine, we’re in public! Your friends are watching!” I murmured against his forceful kiss.
He raised his hands back to my waist and pulled me even closer. “Let them watch,” he growled as he continued to kiss me with fervor.
“All right you two, I don’t want to watch you have sex right on that bar stool,” Coley chastised.
Caine stopped kissing and pulled me to sit on his lap. We turned to Coley and the rest of the guys. Coley was perched on a stool with one of Caine’s friends. I faintly remembered his name as Vance, and he was extremely good looking. Coley was obviously flirting a little bit.
“Where are the rest of the girls?” Caine asked. He lifted the hair off my shoulder and placed small kisses in just the right places. Sitting on his lap and receiving his tender attention was heavenly.
“Rebecca wasn’t feeling up to hanging out—”
Coley interrupted, “And Matt and Kendall are together!” She clapped her hands excitedly. “Isn’t that great?”
I could feel Caine tense up slightly. I knew he didn’t particularly like hearing the news. I turned to kiss him lightly on the cheek. Hopefully I was calming his tension. His friends seemed to expect the news, too, but they also had the same look of concern on their faces as Caine.
Coley could see that not everyone thought it was good news. “What? I think it’s great! Why do you guys look like it’s a bad idea or something?”
Caine was the first to speak. “Kendall isn’t the type of girl Matt usually falls for.”
“So? I wasn’t the type of girl you normally fell for, either,” I said.