Page 37 of Bad Bad Girl
I pressed back as he directed and allowed his cock to press on further. The intensity I was feeling was overwhelming and Caine only added to it when he reached around and found my clit. He rolled his finger around my swollen clit as he drove his cock deeper. I moaned in pleasure as well as pain and suddenly felt my climax take over. I bucked against Caine, driving his cock all the way into the depths of my ass. I screamed as orgasmic pulses rushed through my body.
Caine pumped his cock in and out. Every thrust caused another orgasm. I was having one orgasm right after another. I felt so full, so possessed. I cried out his name as he moved in and out at a relentless pace. His fingers moved aggressively on my clit, causing another release to vibrate through me. I was in pure ecstasy.
“Caine!” I screamed.
“Yeah, baby. Take me. You’re mine, Neely. Mine,” Caine growled.
He continued to fuck my ass, harder and harder as I pleaded for more. All gentleness and slow-easing was replaced with fever and crazed desire. Caine grabbed both sides of my ass and drove deeper. His hands reminded me of the spanking only a short time ago. The erotic pain caused by his touch on my throbbing ass made me even hungrier for more. I loved the submissive feel. I loved being overcome in such a primal way. Caine sunk his cock deeper than I thought possible and came as his body shook in completion. He moved his cock in and out a few more times in slow, sensual strokes. He then pulled out and rolled on his back to catch his breath.
I remained on my stomach unable to move, gasping for air. Caine rubbed his hand up and down my back while we both recovered from the most amazing sexual event of my life. Never could I have imagined something so powerful, so erotic. This was like no other sex. I felt closer to Caine than I thought possible. I was his, and I wanted nothing more.
Caine was the first to finally break the blissful silence. “Neely girl, are you all right? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Caine asked worriedly.
“Oh, God, I’m better than all right. I never knew it would be like that,” I answered as I kissed his cheek, still not able to move much more.
“Baby, are you sure? I was harder than I wanted to be. I lost control,” he asked with worry in his voice.
I looked at him and simply smiled. It had to be obvious by my facial expression how happy and content I was.
Caine brushed some of the loose hair away from my face. “You are everything.” He paused, and then kissed me on the forehead. “You are mine.”
I simply nodded in response.
“How about a bubble bath?” Caine asked.
“Only if you take one with me.”
“Anything you ask.” Caine suddenly grew serious. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I promise you I’ll always be there for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Neely.”
“I want that, too. But first, I want a bubble bath!” I laughed and made my way to the bathroom. I looked over my shoulder and asked, “Are you coming?”
“For the millionth time, you look beautiful,” Caine affirmed as he walked up behind me as I stared at myself in the mirror. He wrapped his arms around my body and stared at my reflection in the mirror. “Neely, there is nothing to worry about. My friends are going to love you. Plus, we’re going to Coley’s house, so you should feel comfortable.”
“Thank you, Caine. I’m just nervous, I guess,” I said with a weak smile.
I grabbed my ivory hairbrush and began to brush my long wavy hair again. I wavered on what to wear to Matt’s party. I ended up deciding on a simple black dress with an exposed back. The dress cut right above my ass, accentuating a part of my body I knew most of Caine’s friends admired on women but also spanked when needed. I hadn’t been this nervous to meet anyone. I just really wanted them to like me. I wanted them to think I was the right woman for Caine.
Caine grabbed the hairbrush and put it down on the vanity. “Unless you want me to use this hairbrush on your backside, let’s get going,” Caine warned with a warm smile.
I didn’t even question the thought that he would put me over his knee and paddle me. Since the first spanking, Caine wouldn’t hesitate to give me a quick warning swat or spank me when he felt it was needed. Mostly they were small spankings for minor infractions, but Caine felt they were necessary for setting the groundwork for our relationship. Only once had he spanked me with a paddle for swearing. I’d had a rough day at work and was cussing as I explained my day to Caine. He had given me a warning look when I swore, but I chose to ignore his look and continued to swear. Caine had swiftly grabbed me by the arm and introduced my butt to the paddle. After a very painful session over Caine’s knee, I knew exactly where swearing would land me in the future. I also knew the paddle was an implement I wanted to avoid at all cost. Even though I didn’t exactly wish to be spanked, I didn’t not wish it either. I loved the afterglow I felt, the loving touch from Caine, and the feeling of being cherished.