Page 35 of Bad Bad Girl
“What! No way could I handle anything harder than your hand! You’re kidding right?” I asked in disbelief.
Caine’s large smile showed off the wrinkles around his eyes. “No, I’m not kidding. Certain crimes deserve certain tools,” he teased.
“Hmm…well I’ll stay away from those crimes then,” I said with a wink.
“Be sure that you do,” Caine playfully warned.
I actually could feel my ass pulsate at the thought of another spanking. I knew this wasn’t going to be the last spanking I would get, and honestly, I didn’t mind. If a spanking hadn’t happened tonight, it was very likely the evening would not have been as pleasant as it was right now. Caine would still be angry, and I would still feel awful and feel the need to grovel and beg for forgiveness. Even though my backside would disagree, I much preferred a spanking to a night full of tension. I also had a bigger respect for Caine. I would have been secretly disappointed had he not spanked me. I loved that he followed through and he stayed committed to this lifestyle.
Caine took another bite before saying, “You really surprised me with how well you did for your first time. And truth be told, it was really hard for me to continue. You were absolutely magnificent lying naked over my lap. I just wanted to flip you over and make love to you right then and there.”
“What is it like spanking me?” I asked.
Caine stopped eating and suddenly grew serious. “Hard.”
“Hard?” I asked, slightly confused.
“Yes, for the first time, I doubted whether this is the right thing. I love you so much that causing any form of pain to you is really difficult. You know how I hate seeing you cry,” Caine confessed.
“But I don’t want it to stop,” I admitted. I couldn’t believe I was admitting to actually wanting to be spanked.
Caine smiled big. “Oh yeah, you want to be spanked, huh?” he teased.
“Well, no. I mean, yes.” I took a deep breath. “All I know is that it gave me something I think I’ve needed. It allowed me to just let go, and let you take control. I love you, but I also respect you and trust you. I like that the way you deal with conflict is by spanking and then moving on.”
Caine chuckled. “Well then, that settles it. I will happily spank you when deserved,” he teased. “Except, you lying naked over my lap could be…distracting. You may actually have the upper hand. I constantly want to be inside of you.”
I put down my fork and stood. I walked around the table and sat down on his lap. I placed his fork on the table and wrapped my arms around his neck. I placed a kiss on his cheek and then his lips before whispering in his ear, “Why don’t you show me already.”
Before I could say anymore, Caine lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom. He let me down next to his bed and quickly removed all of my clothing. I seductively placed myself on the bed and slowly spread my legs, sending an erotic invitation. I watched as he removed his clothes at a hurried speed. He crawled onto the bed and gave me a mischievous grin.
“You’re gorgeous, baby,” Caine groaned. “Spread your legs wider.”
I eagerly complied with his order. I was rewarded when he moved his head between my legs. He rained kisses on my inner thighs and slowly moved his lips to my eager pussy. His tongue lightly licked along the slit, teasing near my clit. He moved his finger past my lips and tenderly entered my clenching pussy. He pressed his finger deep, putting pressure on a spot deep within, making me cry out in ecstasy. He began to stroke his finger along the sensitive area he discovered until I was breathless with pleasure.
“Oh, Caine, that feels so good! I want you. I want more,” I begged between gasps.
He slowly withdrew his finger all the while kissing and licking at my clit. Electricity coursed through me. I was so close to climax, but Caine always moved or stopped right before I went over the edge. He moved his kisses lower and lower until they hovered near my tight back entrance. Caine grabbed the sensitive globes of my ass making me gasp at the slight pain from the spanking. He lifted me a little as he lightly pressed his tongue against my tight rosebud.
I tensed in surprise. “Caine…”
“Shh, relax, Neely. Let me make you feel good,” he muttered while continuing to lick intimately.
The softness of his wet tongue against my most sensitive area sent hot tingles through my body. It was soft and sensual and one of the most erotic sensations I had ever experienced. As I began to relax and enjoy the feeling, Caine replaced his tongue with his finger and began to massage my tight, puckered entrance.