Page 23 of Bad Bad Girl
“Yes…I mean…I don’t really know what that means. Do I have to cook and clean and serve you? Do I have to call you sir? I just don’t really…”
Caine put down his and my wine and reached for my hands. “No, you don’t have to do any of that. We are, and always will be equals. We are a team to make decisions together. I will never treat you lesser or treat you with anything but with respect and love. I will always cherish you and take care of you.” He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “But at the end of the day, I am the Head of the Household. The ultimate responsibility is placed on my shoulders, and I would expect you to honor and obey what I say. I would expect you to trust me and to trust what I ask of you.”
That definitely seemed simple enough to me. I already saw Caine as the leader. It was something I always found very attractive. And truth be told, I loved the feeling of being taken care of by him. Plus, I found out years ago, that fighting with Caine was useless. So it seemed to me the only part of this lifestyle I didn’t understand was the discipline part.
“So you said you want Domestic Discipline. Does that mean you’re going to spank me?” I asked. I could feel my face turning red. I couldn’t believe I was being so blunt, but I loved Caine and really wanted this to work, so I needed to be open and up front. No walls.
Caine reached for our wine glasses and handed mine back as he took another sip. “Yes.” He paused to see how I would react to the answer. When I simply took a drink of my wine, he continued, “I will if I feel it’s needed, and I would expect you to let me.”
I slowly nodded. “When would you feel it would be needed?” I wasn’t sure what would make him want to spank me, and I definitely wanted to know.
Caine grew serious. “Last night would have earned you one.” He paused a moment and softened his voice. “If you put yourself in danger, or if you do something I disapprove of. I will also spank you if I feel you need to be reminded of who is the Head of the Household. I want you to be the wonderful, perfect woman that you are, and a spanking may occur to guarantee you don’t become anything but.”
“I’ve never been spanked before. Will it hurt?”
Hearing the words quickly made me wish I hadn’t asked. I wanted to die of embarrassment. Of course it would hurt. How could it not? What would Caine think of me? I didn’t want to seem like some adolescent virgin. But the truth of the matter was that I had only had vanilla sex up until now.
Caine smiled reassuringly. “Yes, but it doesn’t last long. And hopefully it’s replaced with a feeling of being loved and cared for. I would never really hurt you or cause permanent damage. It would never be abuse of any sort. And it would hopefully end with you and me making love, feeling closer than ever.”
I was starting to feel warm. I wasn’t sure if it was the fire, the wine or the conversation. My heart rate was speeding up and I was finding that I was extremely aroused. I wanted to tear off all of his clothes and have the most passionate sex of my life.
I looked down at my hands and then into his eyes. “I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do.”
I did it again! He must think I’m a weak and stupid girl. I took another drink of my wine to try to hide my mortification.
Caine chuckled. “All you have to do is be you. I love how you are. You already treat me with respect. You already are perfect. As for the spanking, you don’t need to know how. I do.” He winked at me and smiled. “You are everything I could want in a woman, and I don’t want you to change.”
“Caine, I’m not perfect. Have you forgotten I’ve been divorced? Obviously, I’m not good at this whole relationship thing. And I’ve seen the girls you date. They are all gorgeous with big boobs,” I said with sadness in my heart.
Caine frowned. “First of all, you are beautiful! You are curvy in the right places, and you have real boobs, not plastic. I love that about you. Second, just because you had a failed marriage doesn’t mean you can’t be in a healthy relationship.”
“But, Caine, if you saw how horrible I treated him, and how harsh I got,” I cut in.
Caine put one finger in front of my mouth. “Shh…that is the exact reason why I’m a believer in Domestic Discipline. I would never allow you to treat me poorly or be mean. It would land you over my knee in an instant.” Caine softly smiled. “You are everything I’ve been searching for. I don’t know why we’ve waited this long to admit our true feelings. Neely, I love you for who you are, for how you make me feel. You know me better than anyone, and you love me for who I am. Stop over thinking this. It will come naturally, I promise.” Caine paused to put both wine glasses back on the table. “Now come over here and kiss me.”