Page 17 of Bad Bad Girl
“Um, no, that’s all right. I have someone coming to get me,” I explained as I tried to lean away from his possession.
Adam tightened his grip on me. “No way, babe, am I going to let someone take you away in your condition. What kind of man would I be to let that happen?” he explained.
He leaned toward me and kissed my forehead. His lips were wet with his saliva. I felt ill with the gesture and wanted to get away as soon as possible. I had been trying to be polite the whole time, but my patience was getting tested. I needed to stand up against this leach.
I wiggled out of his embrace. “Adam, I’m not really comfortable—”
“Shh,” he interrupted. “I know you don’t feel good. Come over and lay your head down on my shoulder.”
He pulled me even closer than before and started to rub his hand seductively on my arm. I tried to pull away and was only met with his hands gripping me tighter. Panic was setting in quickly. My impaired state was making it really difficult for me to come up with what to do. I couldn’t figure out how to get out of the situation without making a scene and embarrassing my friends. They all seemed to be having a good time, and I didn’t want to spoil everyone’s fun. But I wanted away from this man now! I tried to push away again to little avail. I felt relief when I looked toward the front door and made eye contact with Caine.
Caine and Matt strode into the room with a demanding presence. It was obvious by both of their expressions they were annoyed with how drunk we were and the fact that we were surrounded by drunken men looking to get laid. Caine had expected us to drink, but I’m sure he was shocked to see we were beyond drunk and could barely stand. Caine and Matt approached our table and visibly tried to contain their tempers.
Matt turned to Caine and said, “I’ll take Kendall and Rebecca home. You can take Neely and your sister.”
Caine nodded. “Are you sure man? Kendall is a handful when she’s drunk.”
Matt shrugged. “Yeah, I can handle her. What she really needs is to be taken in hand by someone.”
Caine chuckled. “Yeah, it would take a bigger man than me to take a girl like her in hand. Are you volunteering?” Caine asked a bit teasingly.
Matt didn’t answer the question. He approached Kendall and put his arm around her. He gave the men surrounding her a look of warning. It was very clear that no one wanted to mess with Matt when they all backed away and resumed their drinking.
“Kendall, where are your keys? I’m going to take you and Rebecca home,” Matt stated firmly.
Kendall turned to Matt and threw her arms around him. “My knight in shining armor,” she exclaimed as she burst into laughter.
I was extremely happy to see Caine. I wasn’t sure if he was mad or not, but right now I didn’t care. Caine approached and helped me stand up, breaking Adam’s captivity. Being free of Adam’s confinement made me giddy with happiness. I had the sudden urge to wrap my arms around Caine and kiss him. He looked so incredibly sexy. I struggled to recognize that I was entirely too drunk, and I needed to calm my raging sexual needs at the moment.
“Come on, Neely, let’s go.” He also helped Coley stand up. “That goes for you too, little sister.”
Adam stood up in protest. “Listen man, I don’t know who you are, but I’ll be sure to get Neely home safe,” Adam weakly warned.
Caine calmly turned his head to stare directly in Adam’s eyes. The power and strength Caine exuded was a clear warning to back down. “No, you won’t,” Caine sternly stated.
Adam took a few moments sizing up Caine. Caine merely stood in one place—controlled. After what seemed like an eternity, Adam walked over to join his friends who had already fled. I let out the breath I hadn’t been aware that I had been holding.
Caine helped us into his truck and buckled us up. I couldn’t imagine the last time I was this drunk. I couldn’t focus on anything and my head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. Coley kept laughing and teasing Caine for killing the party and being too possessive. I tried to focus on Caine to gage his anger. I could see he was clenching his jaw and he had fury in his eyes. Coley didn’t help the situation as she continued to tease him.
“Come on, Caine. Let’s go to another bar together and get a drink,” Coley begged.
Caine glanced at the two of us and scowled. “You both have had way too much to drink. Drinking this much and flirting with a bunch of drunken men isn’t safe. Who knows what they could have done to you! What were you both thinking? You’re both acting like teenagers who don’t know their limits!”