Page 15 of Bad Bad Girl
I was feeling extremely buzzed and therefore decided to tell my friends what I heard. I went into the details of the conversation, all the way to the spanking and the sex afterward. As I told the story, everyone gave their undivided attention and stared in absolute silence. I finished the story, took a deep breath, and looked around. Everyone was stunned, mouths opened and wide-eyed.
Rebecca was the first to say anything. “He spanked her? And you thought this was a turn on?” Rebecca was staring at me like I was crazy. The look of mortification seemed hilarious, so I started to laugh.
Coley put her face in her hands. “Ah my ears, my ears! I’m never going to be the same again.”
Everyone started to laugh at Coley and her reaction.
I looked at Rebecca. “I did think it was hot. Something about a strong man, and panties down…I don’t know. But yes, it was an extreme turn on.”
Kendall took another shot and wheezed, “Hell yeah it’s hot. I want someone to spank me. I wonder if his friends are into that kind of thing. I need a strong fireman to show me who’s the boss.” Kendall laughed and turned her attention to Coley. “Well, does he have any spanking friends?”
Coley took another shot. “I plead the fifth.”
Kendall handed me a shot and one to Rebecca and said, “No way! Come on, spill it.” Rebecca and I downed our shots and then all eyes were on Coley.
Coley looked at us anxiously as we waited for her answer. “Yes, all right. He and his friends believe in spanking to keep their girlfriends in line. Why do you think I’ve never dated any of his friends? And just so you know, they don’t spank for fun, but for punishment. So I don’t think you would find it as sexy as you think.”
“Have you seen his friends? They can punish me all they want,” Kendall declared.
Rebecca shook her head in disbelief. “They beat women? You guys think a man beating his girlfriend is hot?”
I spoke up. “It’s not beating. It’s spanking, big difference.”
Coley came to her brother’s defense. “It’s an old-fashioned way of thinking. They would never hurt someone, and they would only do it with a female who was open and willing to do it. It’s hard to explain.”
Rebecca looked at me in disbelief. “Would you let someone spank you, Neely?”
I shrugged. “Maybe. All I know is my marriage failed. I’m in no position to judge any way of thinking. Hearing Caine explain it, and to hear why he feels it’s important, seems to make sense.”
“Well, my marriage is failing, and the last thing I would do is let him spank me,” Rebecca admitted.
“Maybe you should,” Coley said before taking another shot.
“What about you, Coley? Have you ever been spanked?” Rebecca asked in disbelief.
“Rebecca, it isn’t as horrible as you’re thinking. A lot of people use spanking in a marriage. It isn’t that abnormal,” Coley stated.
“You didn’t answer the question! Have you been spanked?” Kendall asked teasingly.
Coley looked around the table. “Not by a boyfriend…yet. But if you want the truth, I’m not opposed to the concept.”
Rebecca gasped. “You have all lost your minds!”
The waitress arrived at their table with another round of shots as well as another round of cocktails. She grabbed the large collection of glassware off of the table, making room for the fresh ones.
Kendall held up her shot glass to give another toast. “To my friends finding a strong man who spanks!”
We all laughed and downed our shots.
“Let’s change the subject, all right?” Coley suggested.
Kendall took another drink before saying, “Fine, if we can’t find a man who spanks, we can settle for that group of guys sitting over at the bar.”
We all looked over in the direction Kendall was pointing. There were five men who obviously were staring in our direction. As if looking at them was an invitation, the men made their way to our table and pulled up chairs to join us.
A man with blonde hair and an athletic build was the first to speak. “Mind if we join you lovely ladies?”
Kendall, always being the flirt, replied, “It will cost you a round of drinks.”
Another one of the men motioned for the waitress and our group of girls became a large mixed group of intoxicated people. Most, if not all, of the men had had their fair share of drinks as well.
I watched Kendall in fascination. She was very flirtatious to all of the men and would focus her attention on one, and then move on to another. She had each of them eating out of her hands. It was like she released a sexual pheromone of some sort which seduced them into her spell. She was an extremely pretty girl, but seeing her work the group was enchanting.