Page 122 of Bad Bad Girl
“You are far from boring.”
“Maybe now, because for the first time I am trying new things. I’m letting go. I’ve been so uptight lately. I don’t like me. Or at least the me before I climbed that damn tree and mutilated my back,” she said with a giggle.
“What do you do for a living,” he asked. Odd that she hadn’t ever shared that piece of information with him and they were lying naked in a hotel bedroom together.
“Nothing of importance, trust me. Which is the next thing I need to change.”
“Well, it’s not exactly glamorous, and the pay really sucks, but I need a manager for my shop. The asshole I have now is a real loser and he can’t keep up with everything I need. Appointments, ordering supplies, staying compliant with the government and so on is a pain in my ass, and I need someone who can handle it all. The job is yours if you want it,” Sawyer said.
Sitting up, Rebecca straddled his body, feeling his cock begin to harden underneath her ass. “Are you just saying that? Do you mean it?”
“It’s yours if you want it. Kind of a far commute, but the option is there.”
Smiling, she reached down and positioned his dick at her entrance, easing him inside her. “Let me think about it. I may just take you up on that. But for now,” she said as she began to ride him, “I have something else I would like to focus on first.”
A girls’ night was just what Rebecca needed. She needed to see Coley and Neely and get their advice, but then a part of her wanted to keep her and Sawyer’s relationship private. It was theirs, all theirs, and she selfishly wanted to keep it that way. But on the other hand, her life had just taken this huge turn, and she didn’t know what to make of it. Was she reading too much into it? She really didn’t think so. She and Sawyer hadn’t been able to leave each other’s sight for days. He had even canceled some tattoo appointments so he could just lie in bed with her. They’d barely left his house when they returned from her retreat. And my God, the sex. The things he had opened her eyes to. Rebecca had had no idea. No idea that sex could be that good. Submission, although new and confusing to her, did wonders in bed. But the three days had to come to an end eventually. Even though she wanted to quit her job and had plenty of time off saved to burn, Sawyer was in high demand.
Dinner went by just like any girls’ night dinner, although they missed Kendall who still remained in rehab. There were lots of laughs, lots of teasing, and a fair share of bitching. It wasn’t until the end of the main course, when dessert came, that Rebecca finally confessed.
“So, Sawyer and I had sex. A lot of sex. Mind blowing, absolutely incredible, can’t get it out of my mind, sex.”
Both her friends stared in disbelief before Coley said, “Well good for you. It’s about time you got some.”
“So has he spanked you again?” Neely asked.
“Maybe, and that’s all I’m going to say.” Rebecca motioned that her lips were sealed, and the girls must have known her well enough not to pressure.
“I have a secret too,” Coley whispered as she leaned toward the girls so no one could overhear. “I visited the local marijuana shop that opened. I was dying to see what it was like inside.” She patted her purse. “I have a little extra dessert for us,” she said with a wink and a devilish grin.
The high had worn off, which sucked, because it would have been handy to at least have a buzz to help deal with being arrested and put in a holding cell. Fingerprint, mug shot… you name it. It was official—they were criminals. As the metal door closed behind them, the smell of urine, stale alcohol and something so putrid Rebecca couldn’t even put a name to it, invaded her senses. Jesus, was it poo?
“We’re dead. Not just a little dead. Completely dead. Caine is going to be so pissed.” Neely began to pace back and forth, biting her nails as she did so. She stopped when she realized that the ink from being fingerprinted still stained her fingers. Neely turned to Rebecca and glared. “This is all your fault!”
Rebecca’s mouth opened wide and her eyes bulged. “My fault? I didn’t bring the pot.” She pointed at Coley. “Your sister-in-law’s the one to blame.”
Rebecca looked around to see if anyone could overhear the conversation. There were only two other women sharing their holding cell. One was a passed-out woman in torn fishnets and a tight black mini skirt. Her hair was up in a side ponytail, red lipstick smeared her face, and she only wore one leopard print high-heel. At least the woman’s gurgled snore helped disguise the conversation. The other cellmate sat on a bench and scowled. She had short hair, wore all black, and had an eye patch. The woman reminded Rebecca of a pirate. She even had skull earrings to accentuate her style. Pirate woman’s arms were crossed, and there was no doubt in Rebecca’s mind that this woman was not someone to mess with. Rebecca smiled weakly when she made eye contact with Pirate Woman’s one eye, but she got nothing in return except a grunt and a clenching of her jaw. Needless to say, any friendship or mutual bond would not be in their immediate future.