Page 11 of Forever Mine
Needing to get away for a moment to compose myself, I slip into the back hallway, making my way toward the staff bathroom. Right before the door closes behind me, a hand reaches out and stops it. Wyatt steps in.
“You’re not hiding in a bathroom from me this time.” There is a warning in his tone. One I’ve never heard before.
“Not hiding. I needed to use the bathroom.” I raise my chin, hating that I just lied to him. He walks toward me, allowing the door to fall closed behind him. He doesn’t stop until I’m pressed against the wall.
“You’re not going to run from us. You’re important to me, Lucy Loo. The most important person in my world.” I feel the same about him. His eyes drop to my mouth.
“You’re important to me too, Wyatt. That’s why I don’t want to ruin this,” I admit.
“So your plan is to stop talking to me? Isn't that ruining us?” He’s right. I’ve already thought that myself. I decide to change the subject.
“I see you’re using the list I gave you.” I just can’t help myself. Who am I to be jealous? I went on a date. He gives me a confused look. “Serena Willian?”
“I have no idea who that is. I came here to talk to you.”
“I’m working.”
“I know but this won’t take me long. I have a new deal. We get married on paper. Move in together.” I open and close my mouth, not sure what to say to that. “You love my place.” I do, but more than anything, I love him.
“Don’t answer now. Think about it.” He leans down and kisses me until I’m breathless.
“That’s not on paper.”
“We’ll have to kiss to be believable.” He smirks. “Practicing.” He drops one more quick kiss on my mouth before he’s back out the door.
This could be the perfect answer to everything. It could also blow up in our faces. If I want this friendship, I have to fight for it. Wyatt was there for me when I lost my mom. It’s my turn to be there for him.
Chapter Nine
“Here.” I slam down a paper in front of Uncle Cristoff.
He makes a big show of putting on his glasses, slowly lifting the paper, and perusing the contents so carefully you’d think he was inspecting his own premarital contract. Finally, after what seems like an eon has passed, he allows the legal document to fall to the desk. “A marriage license, eh?”
“Yes. Call the board meeting,” I order. I’m tired of this game we’ve been playing.
Uncle Cristoff leans backward and folds his fingers over his stomach. “It took you less than a week to close this deal. I’m impressed. I guess that means you really didn’t want to marry before this.”
I narrow my eyes. I don’t like what I’m hearing. Worse, Lucy wouldn’t appreciate this remark. It makes it seem like I’ve been dicking around for years when I’ve actually been waiting impatiently for Lucy to decide that friendship sucks and we should be making sweet, wonderful love every night in the king size bed she picked out for me. “That’s not what it means.”
I want all my affairs in order so I can run through the financial health of this firm, find someone to delegate all the managerial stuff, and whittle down my caseload. I’m going to be a husband and hopefully a father soon, which means I can’t be living here at the firm like I have been. Maybe the shower en suite should be turned into a nursery.
Uncle Cristoff nods as if he knows something. “I hear you, son. My lips are sealed. We don’t want the bride thinking she was unwanted.”
“Great. Glad we are on the same page. I’ll see you Sunday morning for the emergency board meeting.” I bang out of the office. “Take two hours off,” I tell the secretary.
“He wants to look at my legs again?” Rose is incredulous. “I wore pants.” She sticks her leg out from behind the desk.
“Nah, I just feel like you need extra R&R because you work for Cristoff.”
“When you said you were taking over soon—”
“Monday morning,” I call over my shoulder. Time to put the rest of my plan in gear.
Back at my desk, I start issuing directives. “Ernest, call the leasing office and tell them to take the fourth floor off the market. Lucy’s firm is moving in.”
“Really? When did that happen?”
“Just now. And get me Meredith Terinni on the phone, will you?”
“Lucy’s boss?”
Ernest is so efficient that by the time I reach my desk, Terinni has been patched through. “I have a proposition for you, Meredith.”
“I’m all ears,” she coos.
“Great. I—” Ernest buzzes me. “Hold on for a sec.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but Lucy is on the phone,” Ernest says.
“Thanks, man.” I switch over to Meredith. “It’s a deal that can only be offered in person. Let’s meet at 5 pm at The Daily Drip.”