Page 21 of The Boss (Chateau 3)
She was on the floor, leaning against the bed, her legs out and her ankles crossed, reading one of the books I’d had the men drop off for her entertainment. I provided everything she could possibly need to be comfortable.
She looked up from her book, her expression different than it used to be, as if she’d been expecting me, and if I didn’t show up, she would have been disappointed. Her fingers gently pushed the book closed.
My eyes went to her nightstand, seeing the packet that had been dropped off earlier. A pill was missing.
I moved to the couch and dropped my jacket before I took a seat and loosened my boots.
She sat in the light of the fire, the glow of the flames painting her in a golden hue that made her even more beautiful than she was. Her blue eyes were like sapphires, her slender neck a landing strip for my tongue. Her beauty was timeless and special, once in a lifetime, so hypnotic that a night of passion was barely hors d’oeuvres.
When the boots were gone, I pulled my long-sleeved shirt over my head.
Her change of expression was subtle, but there was a flush of her cheeks, a desire to repeat what we had the night before.
I got to my feet and dropped my pants, letting my cock free. I stopped in front of her, my hard dick pointed directly at her face, waiting for that mouth to open and that tongue to stick out. “Why are you still dressed, chérie?”
It started with me on top, my hips between her soft thighs, my bare cock inside her wet and perfect pussy, her cream building up behind my crown and at the base of my dick. My arms were hooked behind her knees, and I fucked her exactly the way I did last night, like that didn’t even happen, like I didn’t need her in another position because I loved to look at her face.
Her eyes watered every time she came, and the convulsions she made were sporadic and uncontrollable, as if my dick gave her so much ecstasy that her body could barely tolerate it. Her tits shook slightly as I thrust inside. And now she looked at me like I’d successfully claimed her as mine—and I deserved her.
We were skin on skin, and it was so good, as if I hadn’t fucked her for hours the previous night. It felt like the first time I had her, the first time I really got to feel her at this intimate level. My dick memorized her channel like a blueprint, and I knew it like the back of my hand.
I came inside her with a deep grunt, filling that tight little pussy with every drop of my seed, and then I thrust through my own come and kept going, adding another load a short time later…and then another.
We ended up on the floor, my back against the bed, her little body bouncing on my lap, moaning and screaming in pleasure, dropping down on my dick over and over as if she could handle my dick like my favorite whore.
The fire roared in the hearth nearby, providing heat we didn’t need, and that made her beautiful skin shine with sweat, highlighted the sexy curves of her perfect body. My hands gripped her ass and guided her up and down when she got tired, when she ran out of air and had to pause to catch it once again.
One hand moved to her neck, and I held her there as I moved her up and down, my eyes on her, smelling her come, my come, and the slick sweat all over our bodies. Sex was always hot, always sweaty, always a workout for every muscle in my body. But it’d never felt this goddamn good.
She rocked her body the way I showed her, moving up and down but also doing this sexy shimmy with her hips that I liked, and it felt good for her too because she clawed at my chest as she came again, more tears dripping down and then landing on my chest.
I’d pictured this moment the first time I saw her. I’d pictured this heat, this passion, this very moment before I heard her speak. Beautiful women were a dime a dozen in my world. They were everywhere in Paris. But none held a candle to this woman riding my dick now. She became a fantasy I was desperate to turn into a reality. She became a prize I had to earn. She became the one thing I didn’t have, the one thing money couldn’t buy.
Her breaths slowed once she was finished, her nails slicing into my shoulders less. She flipped her hair and kept going, wanting to drive me into giving her another mound of come that would just drip out once more.