Page 89 of Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful 1)
We joined the policemen and vampires on the dance floor, and Finch broke out his Timberlake moves. I glanced at Travis over my shoulder and caught him watching me from the corner of his eye, pretending to watch Shepley sink the eight ball for the game. Shepley collected their winnings, and Travis walked to the long, shallow table that bordered the dance floor, taking a drink. Finch flailed about the dance floor, finally sandwiching himself between America and me. Travis rolled his eyes, chuckling as he returned to our table with Shepley.
“I’m going to get an
other drink. Want anything?” America shouted over the music.
“I’ll go with you,” I said, looking to Finch and pointing at the bar.
Finch shook his head and continued to dance. America and I shouldered through the crowd to the bar. The bartenders were overwhelmed, so we settled in for a long wait.
“The boys are making a killing tonight,” America said.
I leaned into her ear. “Why anyone bets against Shep I’ll never understand.”
“For the same reason they bet against Travis. They’re idiots,” she smiled.
A man in a toga leaned against the bar beside America and smiled. “What are you ladies drinking this evening?”
“We buy our own beverages, thanks,” America said, facing forward.
“I’m Mike,” he said, and then pointed to his friend, “This is Logan.”
I smiled politely, looking to America, who made her best go-away expression. The bartender took our order and then nodded to the men behind us, turning to make America’s drink. She brought over a square glass full of pink, frothy liquid and three beers. Mike handed her some money, and she nodded.
“This is something else,” Mike said, scanning the crowd.
“Yeah,” America said, annoyed.
“I saw you dancing out there,” Logan said to me, nodding to the dance floor. “You looked good.”
“Uh … thanks,” I said, trying to remain polite, wary that Travis was just a few yards away.
“You wanna dance?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No, thanks. I’m here with my—”
“Boyfriend,” Travis said, appearing out of nowhere. He glared at the men standing in front of us, and they backed away a bit, clearly intimidated.
America couldn’t contain her smug smile as Shepley wrapped his arm around her. Travis nodded across the room. “Run along, now.”
The men glanced at America and me and then took a few cautious steps backward before retreating behind the safety of the crowd.
Shepley kissed America. “I can’t take you anywhere!” She giggled, and I smiled at Travis, who was glowering down at me.
“Why did you let him buy your drink?”
America let go of Shepley, noticing Travis’s mood. “We didn’t, Travis. I told them not to.”
Travis took the bottle from my hand. “Then what’s this?”
“Are you serious?” I asked.
“Yes, I’m fucking serious,” he said, tossing the beer in the trashcan by the bar. “I’ve told you a hundred times … you can’t be taking drinks from random guys. What if he put something in it?”
America held up her glass. “The drinks were never out of our sight, Trav. You’re overreacting.”
“I’m not talking to you,” Travis said, his eyes boring into mine.