Page 136 of Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful 1)
America shook her head at his efforts. “He is ridiculous.”
“He’s a Floridian, Mare. He’s not used to the snow.”
She giggled and pulled me toward the door.
I turned to see Parker jogging past Finch. He stopped, catching his breath a moment before he spoke. His puffy grey coat heaved with each breath,
and I chuckled at America’s curious stare as she watched him.
“I was … whew! I was going to ask you if you wanted to grab a bite to eat tonight.”
“Oh. I uh … I already told Finch I’d eat with him.”
“All right, it’s no big deal. I was just going to try that new burger place downtown. Everyone’s saying it’s really good.”
“Maybe next time,” I said, realizing my mistake. I hoped that he wouldn’t take my flippant reply as a postponement. He nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets, quickly walking back the way he came.
Kara was reading ahead in her brand-new books, grimacing at America and I when we walked in. Her demeanor hadn’t improved since we’d returned from break.
Before, I had spent so much time at Travis’s that Kara’s insufferable comments and attitude were tolerable. Spending every evening and night with her during the two weeks before the semester ended made my decision not to room with America more than just regrettable.
“Oh, Kara. How I’ve missed you,” America said.
“The feeling is mutual,” Kara grumbled, keeping her eyes on her book.
America chatted about her day and plans with Shepley for the weekend. We scoured the internet for funny videos, laughing so hard we were wiping away tears. Kara huffed a few times at our disruption, but we ignored her.
I was grateful for America’s visit. The hours passed so quickly that I didn’t spend a moment wondering if Travis had called until she decided to call it a night.
America yawned and looked at her watch. “I’m going to bed, Ab … aw, shit!” she said, snapping her fingers. “I left my makeup bag at Shep’s.”
“That’s not a tragedy, Mare,” I said, still giggling from the latest video we’d watched.
“It wouldn’t be if I didn’t have my birth control in there. C’mon. I have to go get it.”
“Can’t you just get Shepley to bring them?”
“Travis has his car. He’s at the Red with Trent.”
I felt sick. “Again? Why is he hanging out with Trent so much, anyway?”
America shrugged. “Does it matter? C’mon!”
“I don’t want to run into Travis. It’ll be weird.”
“Do you ever listen to me? He’s not there, he’s at the Red. Come on!” she whined, tugging on my arm.
I stood up with mild resistance as she pulled me from the room.
“Finally,” Kara said.
We pulled up to Travis’s apartment, and I noted that the Harley was parked under the stairs, and that Shepley’s Charger was missing. I breathed a sigh of relief and followed America up the icy steps.
“Careful,” she warned.
If I’d known how unsettling it would be to set foot in the apartment again, I wouldn’t have let America talk me into going there. Toto scampered around the corner at full speed, crashing into my legs when his tiny paws failed to get traction on the entryway tile. I picked him up, letting him greet me with his baby kisses. At least he hadn’t forgotten me.