Page 10 of The Soldier's Baby (Forbidden Fantasies 19)
Jordan pulls me aside and lets three couples pass us in line.
“Well now, why did we rush all the way over here if you’re just going to let everyone cut?” I ask with a laugh.
He mock frowns.
“I told you, it’s to get us the best seats in the house.”
Then, the operator motions for us to come forward, and we climb in a neon green cab. The safety bar swings down into our laps, locking us in, and then the ride begins.
It’s utterly glorious. We can see the fair as we go higher and higher. Children dart this way and that, as their parents look on fondly. Rides spin, twirl, only to reach peaks before plummeting to great depths. Even from our height, we can hear the happy sounds of chatter, as well as delighted screams and shrieks of pure ecstasy.
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” I ask, smiling at him.
Jordan’s blue eyes flare.
“Very nice,” he says, taking my hand. “But sweetheart, I’m glad for the privacy because I wanted to talk to you.” My heart begins to pound.
“Yes? About what?”
Jordan takes a deep breath, his handsome face suddenly serious.
“Baby, I’m thinking about looking for a new job,” he says. “You know that I’m about done with the Army, so it’s time to find a new direction in life.”
I nod.
“Yes, I know you’re almost done with your service. But where do you want to work?” I ask. He grins for a moment.
“I think I might look for a private company that hires vets. It’ll be different because I’ll probably get assigned to a boring desk job, or some sort of administrative position. But it’s okay because I’m finally at a point in my life where I think that is exactly the kind of thing that will make me happy. I need a break from all the action on the ground.”
I nod supportively.
“That’s great, Jordan. You’ll be really good at that. You’ve got great attention to detail, and people love you,” I say. “You’re going to be amazing, even if you’re flying a desk.” To my surprise, he chuckles at this. “What’s so funny?” I ask. “I mean it! I really think you’ll be great at whatever new gig you land.”
He smiles at me again, but takes a moment to work up a response.
“You’re not bummed that I’m not going to be an exciting hotshot hero anymore?”
“Jordan,” I laugh. I can’t believe he thinks this is why I like him. But he’s serious.
“Your boyfriend is going to turn into a boring old man overnight. No more big guns and heavy action.”
My heart pounds because did he just refer to himself as my boyfriend? My stomach flips and I smile happily at him.
“Yes, but so long as you don’t develop a huge potbelly, I don’t care what your job is. I like you for who you are as a person, and not what you do for a living. If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
In truth, I’m ecstatic that he’s going to leave the military because I don’t want him to deploy. Who would want that? I want my man safe and sound at home, with me. I want him sleeping in my bed, and to wake up every morning looking into his handsome face.
We sit silently for a moment as I replay our conversation in my head. But then I decide to address the elephant in the room.
“Wait a second…” I say, turning to face him with a mischievous smile. “Did you just call yourself my boyfriend?” For the first time ever, Jordan blushes.
“Is that not what you want?” he asks with a wink.
“Oh, it is,” I reply saucily. “I was just double checking.”
He playfully rubs my back and laughs to himself as he looks back over his shoulder at the view behind us.
“Good, because we’re definitely a couple, sweetheart. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I snuggle up against his broad form, so happy I could burst. The night sky has come alive, and I don’t think I’ve ever been more filled with joy. Plus, the ride begins to slow as we rise higher and higher. We begin to levitate upwards, as if we’re ascending a staircase to heaven. Upon reaching the top of the wheel, the ride lets out a loud creak and I feel a click as the cab locks into place. Oh wow. The Ferris wheel has reached its turnaround point, and our seat is at the apex. It’s glorious and I breathe deeply, surveying the landscape below.
“See?” Jordan says to me in a deep voice. “It’s pretty neat isn’t it?” He puts his arm back around me while gesturing to the fairgrounds below us with his other hand.
Inhaling with excitement, I look around. The people look like hundreds of little ants running excitedly through a maze of games and concessions. Other rides speed on in the distance, and the entire landscape lit by green, yellow, and red twinkling lights.