Page 54 of Love a Boss (Boss Duet 2)
Thanks for reading Love A Boss
by Logan Chance.
This is the back matter of the book and usually I write this right before I publish, and it is unedited.
I’m grateful for the Indie Author Community and all of their help in spreading the word about my books.
To read the first chapter of Date Me the first novella of my Sex Me Novellas, you wil
l find it after the acknowledgements.
I have a few people to thank in helping get this book to publication. First, my brother Jacob, for always lending your ear when I need an opinion. I’m glad we’re taking this ride together.
Batman, Thanks for everything and then some. You are my rock.
Obi Wan Kenobi, your motivation is much needed when I feel like throwing in the towel.
Duchess of Storms (Cara), you truly are an inspiration to all. Your mind is a beautifully wicked place.
Paula Dawn, thank you for everything. I don’t know where I’d be without you. Thank you for all of your help in bringing Penny to life and giving her the spark she needed in this book. Thanks for all the girly details, and the one part of the book I was so unsure about. Thanks for pushing me to be my best and not accepting ‘it’s fine’ as an answer. Thanks for making me focus on every nitty, gritty detail when I was ready to call it done ages ago.
Diane Hamilton, you rock as a personal assistant, and I don’t know how you put up with us. I know we have our ups and downs all the time. But, I know you have our best interests at heart.
To my beta readers, Donna, Misty, Dawn, Beth, Angela, Stacey, and Jessica, thanks for all of your hard work and helping make this story that much better. I appreciate all of your help and feedback.
Denielle Hoppe, thanks for all that you do. Thank you for taking care of my Spoiled Like A Boss group and helping in so many ways. Hope you like the drawings.
To Jessica Green, thank you for all of your support.
To my street team, The Chance Takers, you ladies are amazing and I appreciate all of your countless hours of pimping and helping get our names out there. To Donna and Misty, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to running our team. You both are amazing.
To all the countless blogs, I appreciate all of your support.
The Divas Lounge Book Club, Dirty Laundry Review, Moments in West Florida, The Bashful Book Whore, Book Lover’s Hangout, Read Me Fancy, The Ultimate Fan Blog, Beaute De’Livres, Kindle Friends Forever, Sassy Book Blog, Amo and Sarah’s Book Blog, Blushing Babes Are Up All Night, and so many, many more.
If you’re a fan of the books and would like to join Logan’s Spoiled Like A Boss group on FB: Join Here
I throw some awesome giveaways in that group, you will definitely want to be a member.
Read The First Chapter of Date Me, a Sex Me Novella coming soon by Logan Chance.
Chapter One
“It isn’t a secret your dick needs some action.”
“Fuck, Lexi, can you please not talk about my most treasured organ?” I asked as we sat in a side booth at the local diner.
“It’s hardly an organ. But, that’s my point. It’ll shrivel up and fall off if you don’t use it,” she said as she flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder.
“I use it plenty.” I picked up my fork and spun it between my fingers before digging into my egg special. This conversation couldn’t be more wrong.
“Oh, please. You haven’t been laid since Gretchen what’s her face, and that was over eight months ago.”
“I don’t know what’s more disturbing here, the fact you remember that, or you’re my sister.”
Lexi was the female version of me, only with a touch of snarky sass and a foul mouth to make a few sailors blush.
“What are we talking about here?” Marley’s soft voice filled the booth as I cringed. I was being double teamed, and I knew it.