Page 28 of Love a Boss (Boss Duet 2)
My mother started in on not seeing Lucy enough, and after ten minutes she brought up Dex.
“I know you and him don’t see eye to eye…”
“It’s a lot more than that, Mom. He’s an asshole,” I barked out after excusing myself from the bar and heading back outside into the Florida heat.
“But, he’s getting married. And, he even told me he wants you there.” Her high-pitched, shrill voice indicated her frustration. I ran a hand over my beard as I tried to think of a way to explain to my mother it would be a cold day in hell before I attended his wedding. Of course he wanted me there.
“Mom, I think I’m busy that day,” I said, chuckling.
“I didn’t even tell you when it is, smartass.”
“Mother, language please,” I said, laughing now.
“Oh, ha ha,” she said.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Penny making her way toward me again. “Mom, I have to let you go.” I hung up and smiled to her.
“Should I put a desk out here? Maybe a phone so you can make all of these important calls you need to make?” she asked, her voice full of sarcasm.
“Sure, I’ll need someone to massage my shoulders, too. Know of anyone?”
Her eyes sparkled in the sun as I slipped my phone into my pocket. “You wish.”
“My mother asked me to attend your wedding. That’s fun.”
The spark in her eyes burned out, and she frowned. “Yeah that. It won’t happen, Theo. I promise.”
I grabbed her around the waist. “Baby, please don’t promise me things you may not be able to keep.”
“This one, I swear to you, I’m keeping.”
I kissed the top of her forehead. “What are you doing tomorrow? Can you get away and let’s spend the day together?”
“I’m going dress shopping with your mother in the morning, but I can get away after that.”
I held her tighter, wishing I stood at the altar with her instead of him. “Ok, I’ll come in for inventory here and then we can meet up.”
The next morning, bright and early, I headed off to Lopa. I had everything packed for a great day out, and I couldn’t wait to show her where we were going. I asked her to pack her bikini, but that was all the clues I would give her.
Rushing through the inventory for Lopa, I smiled when I glanced at my watch and noticed it was almost time for Penny to meet me here. My phone pinged with a message. When I glimpsed down, my heart sank.
I’m trying to get away from Dex, I’ll be there as soon as I can.
I tried my hardest not to see red as I read the text again. Hatred for Dex seeped from my pores. My mind had a hard time remembering Penny didn’t love him.
Stepping from the bar, I headed to the back office. Once inside, I scanned over the applications for a new bartender. There were a few who would have been really good choices, and I wondered if Penny had called any.
After another hour of going through emails, a frazzled Penny rushed through the office door.
“Are you ok?” I rose from the chair and made my way to her. When I kissed her forehead, she let out a breath.
“No, I’m not, but I promise I’m getting better now. Just take me away from here.” The weary expression on her face made me hug her tighter.
“Let’s go. It’s a bit of a drive. Are you up for that?” I asked.