Page 7 of Like a Boss (Boss Duet 1)
I blushed. She had a point. “You may be right.” I laughed.
“So, today’s the big day, right?” Margo’s question brought me back to the dread I felt.
I sighed, rising from the bed. “Yeah, from what I hear this guy’s like some hotshot real estate guru. So, this should be interesting.” I swept my long hair off my shoulders and threw it into a low ponytail.
“Has he ever owned a bar before?”
“I’m sure he’s never worked hard a day in his life.” I thought about my father, and knew this hotshot was probably exactly like him, relentless how everything revolved around money. I app
lied my lip gloss and pursed my lips together.
“I’m sure. So, any hot plans with Dex tonight?” Her long blonde hair flowed down her back as she ran her fingers through it, playing with the ends.
“Truth is, I haven’t heard from him in a few days. He’s on a ‘business trip’,” I raised my fingers to signal the air quotes, “and who knows what he’s doing.”
“Have you tried calling him?”
I shot her a look, with a raised brow. “What do you think?”
“I’m sure he’ll call. You two haven’t been dating long. He probably needs a good ass-kicking to get his head on straight.” She laughed but I didn’t find her words very funny.
It bugged me he hadn’t called—who doesn’t have time to call their girlfriend? Although I didn’t really feel much like a girlfriend anymore.
“What does Richie think about the place getting bought out?” She rose from the bed and smoothed the wrinkles out of the skirt of her pink sundress.
“Oh, you know Richie, he only thinks about retiring.” I stuffed my gloss and phone into my red stylish purse. “I hope he does as he promised before he leaves.”
“About putting in a good word for you for bar manager?” Margo’s baby blue eyes grew curious as she waited for my answer.
“Yeah. I should get going or I’ll be late. Have fun at the gym.” I grabbed my keys and headed for the door as Margo called my name.
“Penny, don’t worry about Dex. I can see how much he likes you. I’m sure he’ll call, maybe he’s really busy,” she said.
I sighed and threw my bag over my shoulder. I knew he was busy. I knew he had important meetings. Working for a land developer left him little time for phone calls to his girlfriend, I guessed.
“Before you go, do you think I should wear the pink yoga pants or the black? Which ones make my ass look hotter?”
I shook my head, laughing.
“Pink,” I yelled over my shoulder as I rushed down the hallway.
The breeze off the ocean only helped ward off the heat a little. I hoped the first thing this new owner would do is put in large oscillating fans. They would fit nicely in the large space between the top of the tiki roof and the bar.
In my off time I priced the fans and knew they would be cheap and easy to install, so I hoped he would be open for suggestions.
The traffic on the way to work was heavy. Of course it was. It figured on the day I’d meet the new boss everyone in Miami would decide to take the same route as me. I glanced down at the built-in clock to check to see if I would be late. “Go,’’ I mumbled to the car in front of me.
I rushed through a yellow light at the moment it turned red.
Flashing blue and red lights followed me through the intersection and I silently cursed myself. Shit.
Being late to meet the new boss wasn’t something I wanted. How bad would it look going in there and saying, ‘Hi, nice to meet you. Sorry I’m late. Can we get big fans? I’m hot.’
Glancing in the rearview mirror, I watched as the big, burly officer approached my driver’s side window. I lowered it and grabbed my purse, pulling out my license.
“Ma’am, do you know why I pulled you over?”
I sat there quiet for a moment, thinking. This felt like a test. I chewed my lip debating on whether to lie. Should I try the waterworks to get out of a ticket? Should I lower my tank and show him my cleavage? With his pinched face, he didn’t look like he would appreciate my assets.