Page 34 of Like a Boss (Boss Duet 1)
“Oh God, Penny, can we not get into this right now?”
“No, listen, we need to talk.” A war erupted deep within my soul and I wanted to let it out.
“Can we talk tonight? I will call you when I get out of this meeting. Promise.”
“Ok, but Dex, you’d better call.” I wanted to end the whole thing right there on the phone.
“I will. Goodbye, Penny.” He hung up before I could even get my goodbye out.
As I stared at it, it rang in my hand, making me jump. Theo’s number displayed across the screen and I hesitated briefly, unsure why he would be calling.
“Hello,” I said. It came out more like a question than an actual greeting.
Turning into my apartment complex, his sexy, deep voice sounded in my ear.
“Penny, I need your help.” A hint of urgent desperation tinged his voice. “Can you meet me?”
I couldn’t deny him anything at this point, I realized. “Sure, where?”
“I’m heading to dinner in a little bit with my daughter. Can you meet us at the Clevelander in about an hour?”
“Sure. See you then.”
“Oh, and Penny, thank you.” He let out a relieved breath, and I could almost feel its warmth through the phone.
“You’re welcome. See you soon.”
I raced inside to find an outfit to wear. It wasn’t a date, he asked for my help. I needed to remind myself of this. Yet, why were my eyes checking out all the tiny dresses in the back of my closet? No, jeans and a cute blouse, nothing too fancy. I grabbed a flowy white cami and my most flattering pair of jeans. Just because I was helping, and not on a date, didn’t mean my ass couldn’t look amazing. I left my makeup soft and simple and ran a tube of peach lip gloss across my lips.
A little over an hour later, I strolled through the open courtyard of the Clevelander. The stark white building was in front of me, and my eyes swept the crowd out front searching for Theo.
“Hey,” he said, standing behind me, tickling my neck with his heated breath.
In slow motion I turned to face him and was shocked by what I saw there—Theo, in a Star Wars t-shirt and black jeans, hand in hand with his daughter, her hair in pigtails. I wondered if he styled it. He smiled and looked a complete contradiction to the business badass I presumed him to be. Lucy smiled huge as she giggled her hello wearing a cute little green sundress.
“Nice shirt.” I beamed at him. “May the Force be with you.”
He grinned as his eyes lit up. “Thanks, I think so. Did you want to sit outside?” He led us over to the older woman behind the hostess stand.
“Three for outside, please,” I said as Theo’s hand landed on the small of my back. Tiny tingles sailed up and down my spine. He stood tall and towered over me with an easiness and laid back appeal I found tempting. I breathed him in, sex and sin floating off him in waves, as the woman led us to a table near the activity along Ocean Drive. The energy was magnetic—cars cruising the strip, valets rushing to park the Lamborghinis and other high-end cars, and people—people from all walks of life—everywhere, with the beach off in the distance. My eyes tried to take it all in at once.
We sat down, and he pulled out a small pack of crayons and a piece of paper from his pocket. Who was this man? A pack of crayons? My heart fluttered as I watched him lay everything out to keep Lucy occupied.
“I love it here,” he said as soon as Lucy was busy coloring. “They have great food.”
“Actually, I’ve never been here.” His brows raised. “I know I know, it’s unheard of considering the Goat is so close.” I rested both elbows on the table and brought my hands to rest under my chin.
Theo leaned back in his seat. His brown eyes surfed over me as he rubbed a finger across his lips. “But, you’re here now, so order whatever you like. This dinner is on me.”
“Oh, I’ll pay for my own,” I said.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he snapped. “I asked you here.”
His smoldering eyes held mine in a mini stare off. Ok, I would let him pay for dinner. This was still not a date. People didn’t bring kids on a date, right?
“Thank you,” I relented.
Our server, an older man, with a dark tan and heavy accent, ambled over and to take our drink order.