Page 15 of Like a Boss (Boss Duet 1)
? Her complete lack of respect for authority
? Her sassiness
? The guests really do like her
I paused briefly before furiously crossing through the line when I thought about the way they did in fact like her. Can’t fire her for that. Shaking my head, tapping my pen on the notebook, I narrowed my eyes. Back to the list.
? Her complete lack of regard for me
? The way she smiles at me
Ok, this list wasn’t working out well. I wasn’t finding any real reasons. I thought long and hard for anything which would warrant firing her.
? Late
Chewing on the top of my pen, I stared at the word Late scribbled on the paper. It really was a one-time thing, and she’d been on time since then. Actually, she was usually early. It remained on the list anyways. Maybe I should make a list about what to do to get rid of her. I crumbled the paper and tossed it to the floor.
New List How to get rid of Penny
? Fire her
No, I guess I couldn’t outright fire her. It would probably cause more problems for me. Think.
? Ride her harder at work, so maybe she’ll quit
Yeah, I’d ride her ass hard. Ok, thoughts like these weren’t helping. They got me in this mess. What could I do to get rid of her? Maybe a list of what to do to stop thinking about her would help.
New New List How to Stop Thinking About Penny
? Make her wear a long sleeve shirt.
? No makeup at work
? Freckleectomy
Did they have a surgery to remove freckles? I could always add it to the list to find out. Either way Operation Forget Freckles was now underway.
? Focus on anything else
/> What could I do to stop thinking about her? She was slowly creeping in. I clutched the pen tighter in my hand as I freed my mind and started writing.
? Read more
? Search high and low for the Boba Fett action figure (priority)
? Watch Star Wars over and over until you have every line memorized
? Buy a new video game (GTA is coming out)
? Play the video game until my fingers break
? Stop staring at her
? Tell her she’s no longer allowed to talk at work
Fuck, this list was pointless. I yanked the paper from the spiral notebook and crushed it into my fists. Throwing it into the air, I cursed again.
I rubbed my eyes as I threw the notebook and pen across the room.