Page 52 of Stolen By The Boss
I find the room I paid for earlier, and step inside, dimming the lights all the way to dark. I step closer to the big window that shows off the main floor down below and secure my mask in place.
Things are about to get interesting.
I watch as Sophia finds Eddie and Bishop and leads them to a bed not too far away from my window. Eddie touches Sophia as if he’s been intimate a million times before with her. It makes my blood boil with anger.
Bishop, however, sits on the bed, watching Eddie kiss down her neck. There’s a giant red leather chair behind me, and I take a seat.
Music pumps through the speakers and a low fog rolls over the floor down below. There are a few other couples making out on other beds, but my eyes are glued to Sophia.
I watch as Bishop removes her mask, letting her hair fall around her face as he lifts it off. She smiles, and I wonder exactly what she’s thinking about.
She glances in my direction, and both Eddie and Bishop wave at me. They know I’m here, watching.
This is a dangerous game we’re playing, and I sit on the edge of my seat as I continue to watch.
Before anything can get too sexual, and I don’t bust out of this room and wring Bishop’s neck, a commotion starts off near the entrance of the club. My phone rings, and I put the phone to my ear.
“We’re headed into the club, but Bishop’s men are on us.”
A gunshot rings out, and my eyes snap to Sophia. She’s scared and she stands from the bed. I need to get down there right now.
I pull my gun from it’s holster on my side, and head out the door to get downstairs.
There’s half-naked people running and screaming, making their way out of the club. Their shrills of terror make it hard to hear anything else. My eyes scan the club, searching for Sophia.
Please let her be ok.
Humphrey’s at the door, trying to calm everyone down. “It’s over. Everyone can resume back to business. No cops are coming.”
I guess most of these people don’t want to be here when the police arrive asking questions. I move in that direction, unable to find Sophia, Bishop, or Eddie.
Zack steps up close to me. “Bishop fled the building. He’s gone and took his men with him.”
“Sophia? Where is she?”
Sophia steps up behind me, placing a hand on my bicep. “I’m ok.”
I hug her, folding her into my chest. “I was so worried about you.” I kiss the top of her head.
“I’m not sure what happened, but Bishop’s gone.”
“It’s ok.” I release my hold on her, securing my gun back into its holster. “We’ll find him.”
“We’re on it,” Zack says, leaving my side and talking into his ear piece.
I know my men will be on the search for Bishop and we’re one step closer to finding this man. We were not expecting to see him tonight, but at least now we know he’s in town. “Check the airports. We can’t let him leave town.”
“On it,” Zack says before patting me on the back and walking away.
Humphrey steps up to us. “Please don’t leave. Everything can resume. We don’t need to stop partying because a few bad seeds ruined it.” He faces the remaining group of people standing in a small group near the door. “Let me get some complimentary champagne and caviar. Please stay.”
I pull Sophia off to the side. “We can leave if you want.”
She nods to Rosa who stands across the room. “I want to talk to her first.”
I nod. “I’ll be right over there.” I point to a spot close to the staircase.
She walks away from me, and everyone else starts to resume their positions. The music starts back up and the lights go low. I cross the club, heading toward the stairs.
“I’d like to continue what I was doing with Sophia.”
I cross my arms over my chest, watching Sophia from across the club. “I don’t know, man.”
“Come on. Your wife is really something special.”
I couldn’t agree more, and my chest warms at the thought of her being mine. “Yeah, she is.”
Sophia finishes her conversation with Rosa and makes her way toward me. It’s almost like time stands still as she moves in slow motion across the club. I want this woman. Bad.
Eddie smiles when Sophia’s closer. “Hey there,” he says.
“Hi.” Sophia’s eyes meet mine and she smiles, like she has something important to tell me.
“I was wondering if we could finish off where we started,” Eddie says, waggling his eyebrows at Sophia.
I step in. “Not tonight, Ed. I don’t feel like sharing my wife tonight.” I grab Sophia’s hand, linking our fingers together and leading her up the stairs, back to my private room.
Sophia drops to her knees. “No one can see me down here, and they’ll think I’m just giving you a blow job.”