Page 46 of Stolen By The Boss
But is he really?
Does he even know I left?
Chapter 18
* * *
“What the fuck were you thinking, Sophia?” I say the minute we’re inside my condo alone.
She crosses her arms, pushing her tits up in her long red gown. Have I mentioned it’s hard to be mad at her when she’s dressed like that? Very hard.
“Thinking when?”
I laugh, but this is not a funny moment. “When you left me last night. When you went and sought out Eddie fucking Gallo. What the fuck were you thinking?”
“I had to find Rosa. I had to find something.”
“Isn’t that what we were doing?”
“Don’t shout at me,” she yells, moving into the kitchen to fish out a bottle of water from the fridge.
I move closer. “Oh, I’m not shouting, when I am… you’ll know it.”
“I’m sorry I left, but I had to figure some stuff out.”
“Well, you running off like a child almost cost us our whole plan. Do you ever think about anyone else but yourself?”
She fumes, and her cheeks are the same color as her dress. “How dare you? I think about my family every day. I think about the women I left there with Bishop every day. How dare you?” She pushes my chest and then hits at me again.
“Don’t you ever fucking leave me again. We need to work together if we’re ever going to figure out where Bishop is.”
She steps closer. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
I move even closer to where I can practically taste her ruby red lips. I can feel her rapid breath every time it leaves her mouth. “Don’t you ever fucking leave me.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll punish you.”
She pushes at my chest, leaving her hand there after she’s done.
I stare down at it, and she moves it over my broad pec muscle.
“You wouldn’t punish me.”
I press her hand harder against my chest, wishing I didn’t have the white button-down on and she could touch my skin. “Try me.”
She blinks. “I’m a grown woman and no man will ever control me.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Sophia. I’m not trying to control you. I’m trying to make you see we both need one another.”
Her big eyes stare right at me, and my body grows hard. She’s so fucking pretty and I want to kiss her. My mind wars with my body, telling me to finish what we started in the club.
But she’s on fire right now. I don’t know if I kiss her if she’d slap me or let me fuck her, or maybe a little of both.
And I realize in this moment, I’m kind of ok with that.
So, I make my move and claim her lips, sucking and moving my mouth along hers. “Fuck, you turn me on so much, Sophia,” I tell her.
She stares at me for a second, and then grabs my face with both hands and plants another kiss right on my lips.
With one arm wrapped around her, I take the other and swipe it along the kitchen counter, bringing a few appliances crashing to the ground. I set her ass up on the top and continue kissing her with everything I’ve got.
“You make me so mad, Dean Maddox,” she says between kisses.
I push her dress up, gaining access to her long sun-kissed legs. “You piss me off more.”
She stops kissing, sitting upright. “I do not.”
I lean my arms on the counter, encasing her in. “Oh, yes, you piss me the fuck off. And I swear if you ever screw me over again like you did, I will make sure you’re rightfully punished. Your cute little ass needs a bit of a tan.”
She raises a brow. “Spankings?”
I breathe her in, bringing my lips dangerously close to hers. “Something a little more hardcore than that.”
She closes her eyes and kisses me, and my body practically melts. I’ve never been with a woman as feisty and headstrong as Sophia. I don’t think I’ve ever been with anyone as beautiful either.
Her long hair falls in waves down her back and I wrap my fist around the ends, bringing my hand closer to her scalp. Now I’ve got control of her head, and I tilt it a little so I can suck on her neck.
“Ever seen Fifty Shades Of Grey?” I ask her.
She stops her little moans. “Um, no. Have you?”
I laugh. “No, but I can say that’s nothing compared to what I’ll do to you if you misbehave again.”
She winks. “You’re giving me a reason to misbehave… tell me more.”
And that’s it, my dick’s rock hard now, and there’s no stopping it from going down soon. “Maybe I’ll punish you in front of everyone at the club.”
“I figured you didn’t like touching me at the club. That you felt like it’s a job and here I am having an orgasm every time you touch me.”
I step back, my free hand moving over her breasts. “I love that I make you come every time I touch you.”