Page 41 of Stolen By The Boss
But that’s all behind me now. It’s over and she’s gone. The sooner I can convince my head of that, I can move on. It’s not like I was in love or anything crazy like that.
It was just a feeling. Something that sizzled in my chest whenever she smiled in my direction. I think back on the other night in the club. My hand up her dress and the way she felt against my fingers. How she sounded when she came against my hand. The way her eyes pierced into me when her body calmed.
I’d be a fucking liar if I said I didn’t want to do that again, but I know I can’t go there with her. I know she’s not the type of woman who does this sort of thing, and I should have taken things slower with her. I shouldn’t have fucking pushed her to do anything she was uncomfortable with.
Is that why she left?
I need to do a few business errands before tonight, and I’ll try my hardest not to picture her lithe body beneath me.
Humphrey Hollingsworth’s home makes all other homes look like a shack. Even the rich and famous homes are nothing compared to this man’s palace.
And it is something like right out of a fairytale. It has the big castle walls, with vines sweeping up the sides. It’s a mansion in Long Island, and I can’t believe how many people are already here.
Exotic car after exotic car is ushered away as Leo drives me toward the circular drive. For the first time in my life, I get nervous.
Not because I have to pretend I’m into this sort of lifestyle, but because I’ll have to pretend my wife would be ok with me coming here by myself.
When I enter the brick mansion, with its glass entryway and chrome fixtures, I glance around. I know Humphrey likes a flashy style, but this house is like a kiddie fun land. There’s a horse eating from a green patch of grass in the center of the large foyer.
“Is that a horse?” I ask security near the front entrance.
“It’s Galvanar.” As if this answer makes everything all clear. “What’s your name, sir?”
“Dean Maddox,” I tell him, and he glances at the clipboard in his hand. “Hopefully Galvanar isn’t on the menu for entertainment tonight.” I give a little laugh so he knows it’s a joke, but apparently security has no sense of humor tonight.
“Galvanar is the personal horse of Mr. Humphrey Hollingsworth.”
I nod. “Of course. I meant no disrespect.” I give a brief smile and the man checks a box on his list.
“Your wife is already here, sir.”
I raise a brow. “My wife?”
“Mrs. Sophia Maddox.”
I laugh, like this is an absurdity that I don’t know my own wife is here. “Yes, of course she is.”
Fucking little minx.
I move away from security, steering clear of the horse. Only the extremely wealthy would have a horse in their house.
I pass by a waterfall with a small little rainforest. I shake my head. This shit should be illegal. I am frantically searching the crowd for Sophia. Why would she be here?
The main level is filled with people chatting with each other. Almost like a cocktail party that’s centered around a bar in the middle of the room. The decor is white with a splash of red. White leather couches. White walls. White lamps. Red shag carpet with red throw pillows on the couches. There’s about five couches around the space, but few people are sitting. They stand in groups, laughing and conversing. I’m sure they’re all figuring out who will do who later.
These parties aren’t really my thing, but I can’t deny the times I visited the clubs with Sophia were hot as hell. In fact, it was even hotter than that. Magma. Molten lava.
But I think Sophia could get me hot no matter who’s around or watching. She turns me on that much.
“Dean, where’s that pretty little thing of yours?” Humphrey Hollingsworth in the flesh. He almost matches the decor, a white suit with a red fedora and a large red feather in his hand. And then, it dawns on me, I bet this motherfucker changes the decor in his house for every party he throws. Sounds like something he’d do. He sure has a flair for the dramatic.
“She’s around here somewhere.” I hold out my hand to shake Humphrey’s.
He smiles. “Not at my house, come here.” He pulls me in for a weak hug. Nothing too crazy.
I laugh. “So, what’s your plans for tonight?”
“Are you looking for a little adventure?”
I raise a brow, letting him know it’s exactly what I’m after. “Absolutely. I’d love it if my wife could join as well, depending on what you have planned.”
He slaps me on the back. “How do you feel about having your every wish granted?”