Page 35 of Stolen By The Boss
“Any ideas on where he is? Is Ronin out looking for him?”
Ronin is Gabriel’s brother, who also has a past with Savannah. From the way things looked at Clementine and Gabriel’s wedding, I’d say Ronin and Savannah are totally into each other.
“Ronin’s actually taken Savannah out of town, to a safe house. I’ve heard he’s in London.”
“That’s probably a good idea. Ever heard of Eddie Gallo?”
Gabriel takes a moment before answering. “Black market trader? Yes, I know a few people who deal with him.”
“Do you know if he has any connection to Bishop?”
“Hmm, I’m not sure, but I can find out.”
“Do that. I’ll call you back later this week.”
“You’re not in too deep, are you?”
I lean back in my chair with a laugh. “When am I not in too deep?”
“This is true.” Gabriel laughs. “Be safe. Talk soon, brother.”
We hang up and I didn’t bother to tell Gabriel that the only thing I’m in too deep with is my feelings for Sophia. I wouldn’t really classify them as feelings per se, more like a hunger. A want. An epic urge to keep touching her again and again.
The urge to possess her. Completely.
And so much more than that.
She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever met before in my life. She’s got a fire running through her veins and she’s not afraid to speak her mind.
However, last week when we were watching a sad movie on Netflix, I saw her shed a tear or two. So, she’s not all tough and bravado, there’s a heart packed away in that insanely perfect body.
I imagine her body again, just for a minute before I decide to never think about it again. The way she sat on my lap that first night at the club. How she sat next to me, legs spread, tonight at the club.
I can’t get enough of this woman, and I’m wondering how many more times we’ll have to endure going to this club together.
I should have taken Humphrey up on the hot tub offer tonight, but I didn’t want him to suspect me of being after information. I want that trust.
This is a game, and it needs to be played with charisma and care. Play a little hard to get so it doesn’t look like all I’m trying to do is get close to him. I can’t just hang on his every word and follow him around like a lost puppy. He’ll treat me like a man who doesn’t get to be privy to private conversations.
No, I need to show him I’m at that club for the sexual arousal, nothing more. Only then will Humphrey Hollingsworth trust us.
The next morning, Sophia’s still giving me the silent treatment. Through breakfast, I pretend I don’t even notice. During lunch, I act like it doesn’t phase me. But by the time dinner rolls around, I’m furious.
“What’s going on, Sophia?”
We’re sitting together, eating steak with mashed potatoes and green beans we ordered from a steakhouse in the city. She’s not said a single word to me all day. Won’t even look me in the eye and I have to wonder if she’s feeling awkward about what happened last night.
“Sophia,” I say again. “Will you look at me?”
Her eyes flutter up and connect with mine. “What?” she asks with an attitude.
It’s sexy, but not sexy enough to make me stop my line of questioning.
“Why are you mad at me?”
She points her steak knife at me. “You said we’d find Bishop. You said we’d kill him. But we’re not doing anything except going to sex clubs. This isn’t what I signed up for.”
I place my cutlery down and wipe the corners of my mouth with my linen cloth. “Sophia, put the knife down.” I know she can handle herself with a knife. I’ve seen it firsthand.
She drops the knife, like she didn’t mean to point it in my direction. “Sorry. Last night was…” her words falter.
“Listen, I know you’re not used to this lifestyle. I know this is all different for you. But these things take time. Bishop’s hidden under a very heavy rock and it takes time to lift it.”
“I just thought we’d be further along by now.”
“I know. Things are not moving as quickly as you’d hoped, but I figure next time we’re at the club we take Humphrey up on his offer to join him.”
“Why didn’t we do that last night?”
“I didn’t want to be too easy. I want the man to trust us.”
“I’m just worried we’re veering off course from our original plan. We know who Bishop is after, why don’t we head to those places?”
I pick up my knife and fork and spear into my medium-rare steak. “Do you honestly believe Bishop is kidnapping the daughters himself? No, he has his men doing the dirty work.”
She drops her eyes to her plate. “Oh, I know all about Bishop’s dirty work.”