Page 49 of Inherited by Ferranti
‘What does “not exactly” mean, Marco?’ Sierra’s gaze flicked to his laptop and then back to his face. He’d closed the browser window, thankfully, so she hadn’t seen the article. But he knew he couldn’t, in all good conscience, keep it from her.
‘We’ve made the news,’ he said after a pause. ‘Someone must have snapped a photo of us on their phone.’
‘On their phone? But why?’
‘To sell to a celebrity tabloid.’
‘A celebrity tabloid...’ She shook her head, bewilderment creasing her forehead. ‘But why would a celebrity tabloid want photos of us? I mean...I know I opened the hotel, but it’s not as if I’m actually famous.’ Her gaze widened. ‘Are you famous? I mean, that famous?’
‘We’re famous,’ Marco stated flatly. ‘Together. Because of our past.’
‘You mean...’
‘Yes. That’s exactly what I mean.’ He bit out each word, realising he was sounding angry, but he couldn’t keep himself from it. This was the last thing he wanted to have happen now.
‘What does it say?’
After a moment’s hesitation, Marco clicked to enlarge the browser window. ‘See for yourself.’
Sierra stepped forward, her mouth downturned into a frown as the gist of the article dawned on her. ‘“Will these star-crossed lovers find happiness off the dance floor?”’ she quoted, and then shook her head. ‘Goodness,’ she murmured faintly.
‘I’m sorry. Press were forbidden from coming to the ball. I had no idea something like this would happen.’
‘I had no idea our engagement seven years ago was so well known,’ Sierra said slowly. ‘I thought it had been a quiet affair.’
‘Not that quiet. Your father made a public announcement at a board meeting. It was in the papers.’
‘Of course. It was business to him. And to you.’ She spoke without rancour, and Marco let the comment pass.
The last thing he wanted to talk about now was what had happened all those years ago. He wanted to take Sierra back to bed and he wanted, he knew, for her to stay past this afternoon.
Sierra took a deep breath and turned to face him directly. ‘Do you mind? About the article?’
‘It’s an annoyance. I value my privacy, and yours, as well.’
‘Yes, but...’ She hesitated, fiddling with the sash of her robe. ‘Having it all in the papers? The fact that I...that I left you?’
Tension knotted between his shoulder blades. ‘It’s not something I particularly relish having bandied about,’ he answered, keeping his voice mild with effort. ‘But I’m not heartbroken, Sierra.’ He’d refused to be.
‘Of course not,’ she murmured and then nodded slowly. ‘I should get ready for my flight.’
‘Don’t.’ The word came out abruptly, a command he hadn’t intended to give.
She gazed at him, her eyebrows raised. ‘Don’t?’
‘Don’t get ready for your flight. Don’t go on your flight.’ He held her gaze, willing her to agree.
‘But the opening is over, Marco. I’m not needed here any more.’
‘Not needed, maybe.’ He paused, trying to find the right words. ‘We’re having fun, though, aren’t we?’
Her gaze widened. ‘Fun...’
‘Why should we end it so soon?’ Smiling, he reached for the sash of her robe and tugged on it gently, pulling her towards him. She went, a small smile curving her lips, and triumph roared through him. ‘Stay with me,’ he said when she’d come close enough for him to slide his hands under her robe, around her waist. Her skin was warm and silky soft. She let out a breathy little gasp of pleasure. ‘Stay with me a little while longer.’
‘I have a job, you know,’ she reminded him, but she didn’t sound as if it mattered much.
‘Teaching a few after-school lessons? Can’t you reschedule?’
She frowned slightly but didn’t move away. ‘Maybe.’
‘Then reschedule.’ He pulled her close enough so their hips collided and she could feel how much he wanted her. ‘Reschedule, and come with me to LA.’ A few more days with her, nights with her, and then perhaps he’d have had enough. Perhaps then he’d be willing to let her go.
* * *
It was amazing how tempted she was, and yet not amazing at all because what woman on earth could resist Marco Ferranti when his hands were on her skin and his smile was so seductive?
And leave her job, her obligations, her life back in London and go with him wherever he beckoned?
‘Sierra?’ Marco brushed her neck with his lips in a kiss that promised so much more. ‘You will come?’ He nibbled lightly on her neck and Sierra let out a helpless gasp of pleasure as she reached up to clutch his shoulders so she could steady herself.