Page 60 of The Marakaios Baby (The Marakaios Brides 2)
‘Bon soir, Monsieur Marakios,’ he said as he ushered them into the lift.
Margo looked at Leo with narrowed eyes. ‘What is going on?’
‘You’ll see.’
They stepped out onto the first floor of the tower, saw the city stretched all around them. The platform was completely empty, as was the upscale café.
‘What...?’ Margo began, and Leo explained.
‘I reserved it for us.’
‘The whole tower?’
‘The whole tower.’
‘You can’t do that—’
‘I can,’ he answered, and Margo let out an incredulous laugh.
‘No wonder you’ve been looking so pleased with yourself.’ She moved into the café, where the elegant space was strung with fairy lights, and a table for two flickered with candlelight in the centre of the restaurant. ‘Oh, Leo, it’s amazing.’
‘I’m glad you think so.’ He pulled her to him to kiss her lightly on the lips. ‘Truth be told, I was afraid you might think it all a bit much.’
‘No, it’s wonderful. It’s perfect.’
The sheer romance of it left her breathless, overwhelmed, and very near tears. They’d come through so much together, and she loved him more than ever. More than she’d ever thought possible.
‘I can’t believe you hired the whole of the Eiffel Tower,’ she said with a shaky laugh as Leo guided her to a chair and spread a napkin in her lap.
A waiter came unobtrusively to pour wine and serve a first course of oysters on crushed ice before quietly disappearing.
‘Some might say that it is a bit over the top,’ she teased, and Leo grinned.
‘Well, I wanted to do it right this time.’
‘This time?’
He took a sip of wine, his expression turning serious and making everything in Margo clench hard in anticipation.
‘When I proposed again.’
‘Proposed? Leo, we’re already married.’
‘We had a civil service, yes.’
‘You want to have another marriage ceremony?’
‘No, I don’t want to have another ceremony. The one we had was real and binding. But I want to do it right this time—to make a proposal we can both remember.’
‘You don’t—’
‘I know. But I want to. Because I love you that much.’
‘I love you, too. So much.’
‘So...’ With a self-conscious smile Leo rose from his chair and then dropped to one knee. Margo let out another shaky laugh as he took her hand in his. ‘Margo Marakaios—I love you more than life itself. I love the woman you are, the wife you are, the mother you are. Every part of you leaves me awash in amazement and admiration.’
‘Oh, Leo—’ Margo began, but he silenced her with a swift shake of his head.
‘I mean it—every word. You are strong and brave and—’
‘But I’ve been so afraid for so much of my life!’
‘And you’ve overcome it. Overcome so much tragedy and pain. That’s strength, Margo. That’s courage.’
She pressed a hand to his cheek. ‘You’re strong too, Leo. You’re my rock.’
‘And yet I lived in fear too. Fear of rejection. Whether it was by my father or brother or you. You’ve helped me to move past that, Margo. Helped me to realise just how important love is. Loving you is.’
‘I’m glad,’ she whispered.
He withdrew a black velvet box. ‘Then will you accept my ring?’
‘Yes!’ She glanced down at the sapphire flanked by two diamonds. ‘It’s beautiful...’
‘Each stone symbolises a person in our family. Annas, you and me.’ He slid it onto her finger. ‘So, Margo Marakaios, will you marry me?’
She laughed—a sound of pure joy. ‘I already have.’
‘Phew!’ Leaning forward, Leo brushed her lips with his as the city twinkled and sparkled all around them. ‘Thank goodness for that...’