Page 69 of Santina's Scandalous Princess
‘Haven’t we all? I certainly have. But I’ve seen you over the past few weeks. I’ve seen how you reach out to the kids on the pitch, how you’re willing to be on their level. You haven’t stood on being a princess.’
‘Sometimes I don’t want to be a princess.’
‘And when I think how you worked in the office, without telling anyone about your dyslexia—’
‘Don’t,’ she said, her voice catching. ‘Don’t pity me.’
Ben shook his head in vigorous denial. ‘I admire you, Natalia. I always thought you were strong, but I had no idea. I still don’t. You’re amazing.’
The heartfelt sincerity in his tone humbled her; she couldn’t doubt it. ‘You’re pretty amazing yourself,’ she finally managed, her voice a bit choked, and he slid her a sideways smile.
‘I’m not done yet.’
‘No.’ He took a deep breath. ‘What I really want to say is I love you. I love the woman you’ve been and the woman you’ve become. I love your strength and humour and grace, and how you never let me get away with anything. I love you, Natalia.’
She was going to cry. And she was wearing mascara. Laughing a little, Natalia dashed at her wet cheeks. ‘I love you too,’ she said quietly, and with comical exaggeration Ben cupped his ear.
‘Sorry, what was that?’
She laughed and said it loudly. Shouted it. ‘I love you!’
They were both silent, accepting and even reveling in the moment. Everything had been exposed; everything had been brought to the light. And it was good.
‘I’m sorry for what I put you through,’ Ben finally said quietly. ‘I was so blind, in so many ways.’
‘And I was afraid.’
‘And now?’
She let out a shaky laugh. ‘I’m not afraid. But I have no idea what’s going to happen when I return to the palazzo. What my parents will say. Do.’
‘You won’t be alone,’ Ben told her. ‘I’ll be by your side every second.’
She released a shuddering breath. ‘I’m certainly glad for that.’
Natalia saw lights twinkling below them, and as Ben started to descend she wondered what their destination was. What would happen now.
She was not prepared for the sudden glare of lights as Ben maneuvered the Seabird towards the ground. She peered out the window and saw a bridge lit by lamplight and near-swarming with people.
‘Where are we?’ she asked. ‘Why are they so many people?’
‘The Ponte Milvio Bridge in Rome.’
‘You’re landing a plane on the bridge?’ The Ponte Milvio was over two thousand years old, in the centre of Rome, and local legend told that any couple who got engaged on the bridge would be assured lifelong health and happiness.
‘The Seabird lands like a helicopter,’ Ben explained. ‘And I cleared it with the local authorities beforehand.’
Natalia peered out of the window. She could see the Tiber River awash with lights from the city, the ancient bridge looming nearer and crowded with people.
‘Who are all those people?’ she asked.
‘Ah. Well.’ Ben shot her a rather rueful grin. ‘They’re reporters.’
‘There are a few legitimate journalists in there as well.’
Natalia shook her head, not understanding. ‘Why would they all be on the bridge? How on earth could they know we’d be here?’ She hadn’t even known herself.
‘They might,’ Ben said, ‘have received a tip-off.’
Natalia stared at him blankly. She didn’t understand why Ben was so insouciant about such a huge thing when a few short weeks ago the possibility of just one reporter had had him pushing her away from him as quickly as he could. Comprehension came like a thunderclap. ‘You rang them? You tipped them off?’
‘I might have done.’
‘I want the whole world to know how I feel about you, Natalia. That I love you.’
She let out a choked laugh, hardly able to believe this was real. ‘And if I didn’t want any reporters?’ she couldn’t help but ask, and he looked a little abashed.
‘I’m afraid, in this one instance, you have no choice. But in future I’ll guard our privacy with extreme care, I promise.’
In future. The words caused a bubble of happiness to rise inside of her, shiny and translucent. ‘So just what are you going to tell these reporters?’
‘First things first.’ He reached for her and, surprised, Natalia came to him. His arms enfolded her and his lips found hers. Outside, the reporters were shouting in agitation and excitement, desperate to get a decent snap. Natalia pulled away.