Page 42 of Virgin's Sweet Rebellion
‘We should stop.’ He tried to ease away but she wouldn’t let him.
‘Stop? I didn’t think that word was in our vocabulary tonight.’
‘We’re in the kitchen, Olivia...’
‘So?’ She gave him a playful, challenging smile. ‘So?’ she said again, softly, and it sounded like a dare.
‘So I don’t want to start something I have no intention of finishing amidst all these pots and pans,’ Ben answered with just about the last shred of his self-control. ‘Let’s eat our dessert, or skip dessert even...’
‘Now that sounds like a good idea.’
‘We can go back to your room...’
Olivia just shook her head. ‘I appreciate all the romance, Ben, I really do. But I want you here. Now.’ And grabbing him by his shirt, she pulled him closer once more and kissed him.
The last of his self-control vanished. Olivia’s hungry, open-mouthed kiss drop-kicked Ben’s libido into the stratosphere, and he couldn’t keep himself from kissing her back just as openly, just as hungrily.
He slid his hands under her dress and curved them round her bottom; her skin was warm and satiny, her underwear no more than a scrap of silk.
From reserves he never knew he had he managed to mutter, ‘Not here...’ but it must have sounded half-hearted at best because Olivia just pressed closer to him, one leg wound around his as she kissed away his words.
‘Yes, here,’ she said against his lips. ‘Right here, right now. I don’t want the fairy princess treatment. I want this to be real and raw and exciting.’ She slid her hands up his chest and then pulled at his shirt, popping and scattering buttons. ‘I have so much fake in my life, Ben. So much pretence.’ Her voice went a little ragged, and she pulled again at his shirt. ‘I want this to be real. I want it to be wild.’ She slid his torn shirt from his shoulders and Ben groaned when she bent her head and bit his shoulder lightly. ‘I want you to be wild. I know you can. I felt it from the moment I met you, and I want you now, feeling it for me.’
Ben’s brain short-circuited as her words penetrated the red haze of his desire. She’d felt that energy, that anger, inside him—and she liked it? It turned her on? Some part of him instinctively rebelled at that thought, backed away from it, appalled—and another part, a far greater part, roared to life. Roared yes, that he wanted to lose the self-control he’d prized so highly; he wanted to be as real and raw and wild as Olivia wanted him to be. For once.
And that part won.
OLIVIA FELT THE moment when Ben’s control snapped; it was like falling off the edge of the cliff. One moment he was holding her, his hands on her butt, his kiss full of hesitation and longing...
And the next he’d backed her up to one of the stainless-steel counters, spread her legs so his arousal was pressed up against her and kissed her with more hunger and passion than she’d ever felt from him before.
He pulled her dress up to her hips and then yanked it up higher, right to her waist, his face flushed and his pupils dilated as he slid his hand all the way up her leg, and then pressed his palm against the juncture of her thighs.
Olivia shuddered and Ben slid his hand underneath her underwear, fingers seeking her heat and finding it, oh, yes, finding it.
Their breathing was loud and ragged in the stillness of the kitchen, and the sound of the fragile fabric of her dress ripping as Ben pulled it over her head was like a screech. Olivia didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything but feeling more of this. She didn’t want to hold anything back, and she didn’t want Ben to either.
And he didn’t. He kissed her hard on the mouth, and then moved lower, to the curve where her neck met her shoulder, and bit lightly, just as she had.
Sensation crashed over her and she squeezed her legs together, trapping his hand, her head falling onto his shoulder as she let out a shuddering breath.
‘I think I’m going to...’
‘Not yet, you aren’t,’ he answered, and withdrew his hand, much to Olivia’s dismay, only to push her farther onto the counter so her body fell back and she lay there with her legs spread wide. Olivia had never felt so exposed, so aware, as she did sprawled on a stainless-steel counter with Ben standing between her legs. He got rid of her underwear in one quick tug, the flimsy material tearing, and then he pushed her thighs farther apart and bent his head to her.
Olivia arched upwards, letting out a cry of surprise and overwhelming pleasure as his mouth moved over her. He’d barely touched her and yet already she felt her climax crash over her; the intensity of it all, his mouth, his hands, the raw roughness of it, had simply been too much.