Page 23 of Their Reluctant Bride (Bridgewater Ménage 6)
Emily stood between us, Xander’s hand at the small of her back. I liked having her in the middle, knowing she belonged to us and was ours to protect. What I didn’t like was seeing the outline of her hard nipples through her dress. My cock hardened, which made walking uncomfortable. Perhaps skipping her corset wasn’t such a good idea.
“We will eat and then be on our way,” I told him. “It’s time to return to our own ranch.”
“Yes,” Brody added as he came into the entry from the dining room. Laurel followed. “Kane and Ian’s house is not where you should settle with your bride.”
Xander nudged Emily toward the other woman and they walked off toward the kitchen together. While she was closest to Olivia, all of the women at Bridgewater were her friends. I was glad to see her comfortable here. She would eventually adjust to having two husbands, but it felt good knowing that Bridgewater would be a sanctuary for her, where there were others who understood her need to submit to two men, perhaps even when she might not.
“The food’s on the table,” Brody said, then went back into the dining room. The scent of fried potatoes and bacon filled the air.
We followed and the ladies joined us from the kitchen, Emily carrying a platter of sliced ham. We saved her a seat between us and I held out a chair for her. She paused and looked at Olivia and her men, who were already seated at the table. Color bloomed in her cheeks and she looked away. I’d forgotten about what she’d witnessed the day before.
Olivia stood and came around the table, took Emily’s hand in hers.
“Don’t be embarrassed. Please,” she practically begged. “We are fast friends and I’d hate for anything to come between us.” Olivia looked over her shoulder. “Especially my three very eager, very dominant husbands.”
Emily glanced at her friend out of the corner of her eye. After biting her lip, she said, “I thought they were hurting you.”
Olivia shook her head. “Hurt? No.
I wasn’t happy, at least there for a short time when they worked that thing into me.” She’d leaned forward and grumbled the last, but I could still hear.
“She is a fierce friend,” Simon said. Emily and Olivia both turned toward the man. “I thought she was going to shoot us.”
I hadn’t heard the part about a gun. I saw Xander sit up straighter at the reference.
Simon held up his hands as if we were holding a gun to him now. “She took the rifle off the wall. Came barging and would have shot anyone who hurt Olivia.”
“Yes,” Rhys added. “We are lucky our wife has such a friend.”
Cross nodded his agreement.
I wasn’t too keen on hearing my wife had been waving a rifle around, but if Cross, Simon and Rhys were not bothered by the incident, then all I could do was to remember to teach Emily how to shoot.
Emily blushed again, this time for a completely different reason. I reached out and took Emily’s hand, tugged her backward so I could wrap an arm about her waist. “Better now?” I asked.
She glanced at Olivia’s men, who only had looks of respect on their faces.
She nodded and everyone returned to the meal. It was impressive how accepting she was. It could also have been the fact that we’d worked a plug into her ass just as Olivia’s men had done to her. She could understand now. She might not have liked it in the moment, but she certainly screamed her pleasure when we’d brought her to orgasm with it filling her.
“You didn’t wear the men out, Emily,” Simon said as he cut a slice of ham.
I paused in my chewing. I expected a ribald comment or two since we had appeared directly after our wedding night and was glad it was directed at me and Xander. Simon obviously knew she’d had enough embarrassment for some time.
She scooped some potatoes onto her plate, then glanced up. “Oh?”
Cross passed me a pitcher of water.
“You are an experienced bride,” Simon added. “I expected both men’s cocks would be too sore for them to walk far.” Laughter ensued and I couldn’t help but shake my head. If we’d been at home, his statement would have been fairly accurate. Once there, I had no intention of letting her out of the bedroom for several days. As for now, Simon could clearly see that Emily was a well satisfied bride and I knew I couldn’t help the content smile on my own face. By the way Xander looked, he might not even be surly for a time yet.
“I was gentle with them,” Emily replied. “As they said, we have a long ride ahead today.”
I couldn’t help but grin as I leaned back and placed my arm over the tall back of Emily’s chair. My fingers stroked her shoulder. I liked seeing her smile, seeing her finally at ease.
Simon laughed and pointed his fork at my bride. “Ah, Emily. I’m glad to see you have some spirit. You’re going to need it with these two.”
The meal was interrupted by heavy footfall on the front porch and everyone turned when Quinn, one of the ranch’s foremen, held a man by his collar and pushed him into the room. The man stumbled, but Quinn jerked him upright.
“Found this man skulking about,” Quinn said, not loosening his hold.