Page 14 of Their Reluctant Bride (Bridgewater Ménage 6)
They’d had hard cocks, and had been unsatisfied after seeing to me. I’d thought they would fuck me then, but they had refused, saying fucking was for marriage. I’d been surprised by their vehemence of this, but it told of their honor. After the ceremony though, I would have two very eager, very randy husbands to please.
A sound distracted me from my thoughts. Another. I looked toward the house when I heard a woman cry out. Olivia. It was a shrill, painful sound. I knew it well, for Frank had hit me and the sound had escaped my own lips a time or two. Olivia’s men were hitting her? That had to be wrong. They wouldn’t do that. I paused. Would they?
I bit my lip, deciding. I only had Frank as an example of a husband and so it was certainly possible.
I would not allow my friend to be abused by her husbands. I’d allowed Frank to be miserable to me for years before I’d had enough. But I’d only had one man to contend with. Olivia couldn’t hit three men over the head with a frying pan and get away with it. Walking quietly up the steps to the front door, I opened it and listened. A ticking clock, the sound of the warm wind behind me was all I heard. Had I been mistaken?
“No, I don’t want that,” Olivia said, her voice drifting softly down the hall.
“You will.” One of her husband’s voices was deep and commanding, although quiet. They were in the men’s office at the back of the house.
A loud crack filled the air, making me jump. Olivia cried out. “No!”
They were hitting her!
“We know what you need.” Another voice.
“I don’t need that,” Olivia countered.
Another hit.
I couldn’t stand by and let them hurt my friend. I didn’t care that the men were bigger than me.
I grabbed the rifle that was on pegs by the front door, loaded and ready for any kind of danger outside. It was good enough for trouble inside as well. The heavy weight of it made my arms drop to my sides but I lifted it, walked down the hall and barged into the library.
“Leave Olivia alone!” I shouted, swinging the gun.
I skidded to a stop just inside the doorway as I took in the scene before me. Olivia was naked and bent over one of the desks. Simon’s hand was stroking over the reddened skin of her bottom as Cross had two of his fingers deep inside her… oh, my. They weren’t in her pussy, but in her back entrance, like Xander had done to me earlier. But Cross was using two fingers and they were all the way inside of her.
Oh, dear God! The area that he had stretched open was slick and shiny. Her woman’s core was bare of any hair and I could see the lips there were bright pink and swollen and equally glistening. Rhys held a strangely shaped piece of wood near Olivia’s lowered head. In his other hand was his… oh, my, his member and it was big and red and very large. He was stroking it slowly with his fist. I’d never seen one so big. Well, I’d only seen Frank’s and it had been nothing like that. The outlines of Xander and Tyler’s cocks indicated they would be comparable in size. I swallowed at the idea of something that big fitting inside me. Xander had even said he wanted to put it in my… ass. I clenched down at the thought.
Rhys and Cross froze at my surprised appearance. Simon turned to face me. His own member was sticking out from his open pants and I couldn’t help but stare. Actually, I didn’t know quite where to look.
“Emily!” Olivia cried out. This time the sound of her voice held a hint of embarrassment, not fear.
“Emily, put the gun down,” Simon said, holding his hands out in front of him. I didn’t know if I should stand my ground on the off chance that they were hurting Olivia—clearly they weren’t—or run away embarrassed.
I felt my cheeks heat and I turned away, lowered the gun. “I’m… I thought you were hurting her.”
I wished the earth would swallow me up in this moment. They were touching Olivia intimately, doing wicked, dark things to her. I dashed out of the room and, with fumbling fingers, put the rifle back on the wall in the entry. My arms ached from holding the heavy weapon.
Simon’s large frame filled the doorway. “Emily, we would never hurt her. You must know that.”
I nodded, but couldn’t look him in the eye. “Yes, I know.”
“You’ve been married, but you will learn, things are done differently here at Bridgewater. Xander and Tyler will show you.”
I didn’t admit to him that they already had, at least a little bit.
Although I couldn’t see Olivia, I heard her breathy moan. Her other men didn’t stop their attentions because of my interruption.
“Hear that? We aren’t hurting her, but pleasing her. She likes it, likes what we do with her, even though it may have sounded otherwise.”
“Yes, all right.” I just wanted to say whatever it took to make a hasty retreat.
“I assume, since you’re here, that you’ve agreed to marry?”
I nodded, looking at the floor.