Page 30 of Mountain Desire (Wild Mountain Men 3)
“At Poppy’s party, you went with us around the barn.”
She gave a small smile and blushed prettily. “I wasn’t thinking with my head.”
“Then think with your pussy,” Shane said. “It’s pretty smart. It wants us, doesn’t it?”
She stared at him wide-eyed, then laughed.
“That’s what I’ve been doing wrong all this time? I need to trust my pussy?”
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I told her. “What’s it saying right now?”
She bit her lip and glanced at us through her dark lashes. There was her inner sex kitten. She just didn’t even know it was there.
“It’s saying to have my way with two hot cowboys.”
In less than five minutes, we were naked. I knelt on Shane’s bed before them. I was taking turns with them, sucking their cocks, learning every inch of their hard bodies. They stood before the bed side by side. A dick buffet, just for me.
I’d messed up. Epically. Yet Finch forgave me without shaming me, without making me feel like shit—worse than I’d already piled on myself—and moved on. He’d recognized there had been a reason for it. Wanted the explanation instead of backhanding me or walking away.
When I’d told them the truth? When I’d finally opened up about my past, they hadn’t used it like a weapon against me, hadn’t found me weak for staying as long as I had with Chad. They’d said I was strong.
Strong! Their acceptance of me, their desire to be with me just the way I was, knocked down the last of the walls I’d put up around my heart. I’d been avoiding men in general for so long I’d been blind to how perfect they were. How good. Honorable. Real. Poppy was right. They were perfect for me.
I wasn’t expecting them to propose marriage, but I was open to more. To see where this took us. And so far it was pretty damned good. I showed them how much by lavishing them with attention. Hands and mouth on their bodies, their dicks.
“Enough,” Finch said, setting his hand on my shoulder and moving me back so I sat on my heels on the bed. My mouth popped from his dick like a kid losing a lollipop. “Or this is going to be over before it gets started.”
I felt powerful then, knowing I could not only make them feel good, but make them lose control. With the back of my hand, I wiped my mouth.
Shane held up a condom. “We never talked about protection. It’s our job to keep you safe. I’m clean and I’ve never gone without a condom before.”
“Same with me,” Finch added. “I’d love to go bare with you, but it’s your call.”
My pussy clenched at the idea of nothing between us.
“I get the shot, so I’m protected from pregnancy. I was tested when I left Chad.” I folded my hands in my lap, looked down at how my fingers were clasped together. “I told you I haven’t been with anyone since then.”
“Sugar,” Finch said, his voice so gentle I looked up at him in surprise. “Condom, no condom, your call. What’s it going to be? Because we’re getting our dicks in you in the next thirty seconds either way.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “No condom.”
Finch sighed and grabbed me, lifted me and dropped me onto the bed. I bounced and he settled over me. “Ready for us?” he asked, his chocolate eyes focused on mine. His hand settled between my thighs and worked my pussy, circling my clit, dipping inside and nudging my G-spot to see. I was wet and quickly writhing beneath him. “You are.”
He didn’t wait a second longer, just moved his hand away and his cock pushed into me… one inch at a time. The slow friction was incredible. The press of his weight—even though he held himself off me—was comforting.
His pace was slow. Too slow and I told him that.
“I’ve got a pussy practically strangling my bare dick. I can feel how hot you are. How wet. Nothing between us. I’m taking my fucking time.”
I could only nod because I agreed. There was something different about it. Not just the feel but the closeness. I’d shared my dark past with them, my feelings. I was laid bare, not just in body but in heart.
Yes, I was giving it to them. Too fast, definitely, but they were everything I’d imagined and then some. And they had really big dicks and knew how to use them.
Shane dropped onto the bed beside us, began to stroke himself as he watched. “We need to get a plug for your ass. Get it ready for us to claim. Can you imagine? Finch in your pussy like he is now while I’m in your ass?”