Page 5 of Mountain Delights (Wild Mountain Men 2)
He might not have gotten along with his sister, or with his parents for that matter, but he definitely hadn’t wished Erin dead. I glanced at my friend. A muscle ticked in his jaw, but he said nothing, only leaned down and kissed Hailey’s forehead.
“We didn’t come here to stand on your porch,” Lucas said. “Unless you want us to bend you over that railing, doll.” He glanced down at Hailey, and she definitely did blush.
“Maybe later.”
Holy fuck. I glanced at my porch railing, envisioned Hailey leaning over it, jeans and panties down around her thighs, my handprint on her ass from spanking her as I took her hard. Yeah, I had a thing for spanking.
I adjusted my dick so there wouldn’t be a zipper imprinted on it, then stepped back to let them go into the house first.
“I like this place. Cozy,” Hailey said as she looked around.
“Thanks,” I replied, closing the door. “My grandfather started the ranch. He built the house a year after he married my grandmother. My mother’s parents,” I clarified, so she’d know this wasn’t Seaborn property. “They handed it down to my mom and now it’s mine.”
Some of the furniture had been my grandparents’, like the dining room table and chairs, some my mom bought back in the eighties. I hadn’t updated much since she died except for a new recliner that fit my large size and a flat screen TV. I didn’t give a shit about curtains or wall color and most furniture these days was built like crap.
“Want… um, something to drink?” I questioned, but I wanted to ask if she wanted some dick.
“Look, Cy, I’m sorry we told you like this, but I didn’t want you to say no over the phone,” Lucas said.
I glanced at Hailey, who was tugging down the zipper on her jacket, clearly intent on staying and getting comfortable. My gaze followed the motion, but flicked to Lucas when I processed what he said.
“You thought I’d say no?” No man still breathing would say no to Hailey. “I am not saying no.”
Hailey smiled at me, tossing the jacket onto the sofa. “Good, because I’ve been fantasizing about this for a long time.”
“You want two dicks, sweetheart?” I asked. She’d been bold from the beginning. I wasn’t going to change that now.
I watched Hailey closely. Hell, I always watched her closely. Just… looked. When she slept, when she didn’t know. When she did. I couldn’t help it. She was so fucking beautiful. Intense, fierce. Insanely brave. She was like the strongest warrior in battle, pushing past demons, focusing on the end result. Driven. Failure for her was not an option. She did shit only a few had the balls to try. Absolutely fearless.
I could ski. I could hit the black diamonds and back bowls for hours, loving the new powder, the feel of being on top of the world. But I never wanted to race down the steepest of slopes faster than a car on the highway.
Fuck no.
Perhaps it was this intensity for life that I was drawn to. Besides that incredible ass, the one that a quarter would bounce off of. The sassy mouth. The salty attitude.
The silky hair. The full lips. The wet, tight pussy.
It had been all of five seconds after meeting her that I got hard. Six hours later, we’d gotten naked. And once we got in bed… fuck me. She’d been on fire.
I’d never had sex like that before. Never knew being with someone so bold could be wild and intense, like it had been the first time. We’d done things together I’d only fantasized about. I was the one who called the shots between the sheets, but she pushed our boundaries.
And that was why we were here now. Getting Cy in on our relationship. Hell, that wasn’t the right word. We weren’t in a relationship, we just were. It was Lucas and Hailey, as if I couldn’t remember a time without her. She was mine and I was hers, although we’d never said anything to make it official. We hadn’t dated, where I took her to the movies and held her hand, kissed her at her front door. Fuck that.
Sure, we’d gone to the movies once, but an empty matinee, and she’d tugged me into the back row, dropped to her knees and sucked the cum from my balls better than a five-dollar hooker. After I got my brain cells back and dragged her out of there, I’d tied her to my bed and ate her pussy until she’d come three times. Only then did I give her the dick pounding she’d writhed and begged for.
We were insatiable, not just in bed, but learning everything about each other. We’d met at a charity mud run in Big Sky, the large ski mountain down by Idaho. I’d been one of the organizers, with the money raised going to various veterans’ charities, including mine. Hailey had been there as one of the competitors, her fame helping to draw in race participants.
Perhaps it was fate, or the fact that I told her planned partner I would donate a thousand dollars to the cause if I could take his spot. Best money I ever spent because not only had we slogged through a muddy-as-fuck obstacle course, but now she was mine.
And now she was between me and Cy, ready to take things even further.
Cy and I had talked about sharing a woman before. How it would be hot to claim one together. How it would be safe for her to know she had two men to protect her. I’d just gotten back from deployment and felt my mortality, knew I was broken. If I were going to have a girl, then I needed to ensure she’d be taken care of if anything happened to me. I wasn’t enough. Cy had understood and agreed. I needed to know Hailey would be okay, would be protected and loved if something happened to me. I had fucking PTSD. I was broken in so many ways. I wasn’t enough for her. She needed Cy to give her whatever I couldn’t. After going to war and what had happened to my sister, it was fucking important to me.
And Cy? I had a feeling his own interest in a polyamorous relationship had to do with the way his dad had walked out on his mom. He’d watched firsthand how a woman could be destroyed by an asshole spouse. When he was a kid, she’d worked two jobs to support them. They’d had to move from town and to the ranch to live with his grandparents to get by. It was probably the best thing to have that extra family around, too. Still, he could envision how a woman with two men would never have to work herself to death.