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Page 55 of The Secret Kept from the Italian

‘You said it as well,’ he couldn’t keep from answering. ‘You asked me why I let this happen.’

Her mouth opened and then closed. Her eyes widened. Finally, stricken, she whispered, ‘You think I blame you...?’

‘As I blame myself. If I’d noticed the symptoms earlier, if I’d checked on her while she was napping... What if she’d died, Maisie?’ He heard how ragged his voice had become, how desperate as the remembered pain and fear lashed through him again, a lash he knew he would feel repeatedly. ‘What if she’d died? It would have been my fault.’

‘But she didn’t die, Antonio.’

‘Even so...’

‘Why are you so hard on yourself?’ she demanded, her voice as pain-filled as his. ‘Yes, I said that, but it was in a moment of terror and I didn’t mean it. I don’t blame you, I swear. You drove her to the hospital yourself, and I know how much that cost you. Antonio, I admire you, I respect you. I—’ Her voice hitched. ‘I love you,’ she whispered. ‘I’ve loved you for months now, and I know you don’t love me, but...’

He couldn’t let her words pass, even though he knew he was hurting them both. It wasn’t fair for her not to know, to think her feelings weren’t returned when they were, a hundredfold. ‘I do love you,’ he said in a low voice. ‘I have for a while, even if I’ve been deceiving myself. And that’s why I’m doing this. To spare you—’

‘You call this sparing me?’ she cut across him, her voice rising. ‘Antonio, love means pain. It means getting hurt, and it also means forgiveness. I know you still suffer from what happened with your brother, and if your parents still blame you in some way, that is on them, not on you.’ Her voice turned as fierce as her expression as she crossed the room and grabbed him by the shoulders. ‘Love forgives. Love doesn’t remember wrongs. Love never fails.’ She shook him gently. ‘Do you believe that? Because if we love each other, then we can move past this. If we love each other, we can move past any hurt or wrong, because we forgive. Even if you were to blame. Even if I’d messed up. Even if Ella had died. That’s what love does, Antonio. That’s what it is. I’ve lost everything before and I can’t bear to again. That’s what kept me being afraid with you, but I don’t want to be afraid now. I want to be brave, for you, for me, for us. Don’t let this one thing sink us, not when we have so much to live for. To love for. Please.’

While he stared at her, shocked, his mind reeling from the truth and power of her words, Maisie stood up on her tiptoes and, wrapping her arms around him, brushed a kiss across his lips.

‘I love you,’ she whispered against his mouth. ‘I love you so much, and you’ve said you love me. There’s no reason on earth to walk away from what we have together. No sin or mistake or anything can separate us.’ She leaned back, scanning his face, the fierce light still brightening her eyes. ‘Tell me, do you believe that?’

Antonio gazed into his beloved’s face and knew only one answer could be given. The truth, which he’d been blinded to for so long. The truth that was the only thing that could set him free. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I do.’

He took Maisie into his arms, burying his face in her fragrant hair as his body finally relaxed, his soul finally spilling out its pain and guilt. ‘How did you become so wise?’ he murmured against her hair, and she let out a shaky little laugh.

‘By loving you. By realising, over these last few months, what love is, and what it means to be strong. You’ve shown me, Antonio, in so many wonderful ways.’ She leaned back to press her palm against his cheek. ‘And the fact that you do love me...’

‘I do, so very much. I should have said it long before now.’ Recrimination made him grimace, but then Maisie shook her head.

‘No more regret. No more guilt, please, for both our sakes. We’re free. Love has set us free.’

‘Yes, free,’ Antonio agreed. He’d been imprisoned for so long, but the bars had been of his own foolish making. ‘I’m free to love you and love Ella, which is all I want to do.’ He smiled and kissed her tenderly. ‘Thank you for being patient with me. For not letting me walk away.’

‘I could never have done that,’ Maisie admitted. ‘Forget pride or self-respect or anything else. I need you, Antonio. I need you in my life, and so does Ella.’

‘And I promise, I’ll never leave. Never.’

A small smile curved Maisie’s mouth and lit her eyes. ‘Then this is our happily-ever-after,’ she said teasingly as Antonio drew her into his arms and sealed it with a kiss.


MAISIE GAZED IN the mirror at her reflection, feeling both incredulous and happy. It was two years since she’d first met Antonio, and it was their wedding day. Max had flown over for the occasion, a quiet yet joyful ceremony in the small village church. Later there would be a reception in Milan for all of Antonio’s business acquaintances and colleagues, but they’d wanted this ceremony to be just for family.

And there was more family than Maisie could have ever hoped for... Max and Ella, and, wonderfully, Antonio’s parents. After hearing about Ella, they had reached out to him and begun to be reconciled with their son. Her heart was full.

Max knocked on the door and then poked his head in. ‘My sister, the beautiful bride. Are you ready? Everyone is waiting.’

‘Yes.’ Maisie twitched her veil, glancing once more at the simple dress of broderie-anglaise that she’d chosen for her wedding gown.

‘You look wonderful, Maisie.’ Max reached for her hand. ‘I’m so proud of you, and happy for you.’

‘I’m happy for me,’ Maisie said with a laugh. The last few months had been amazing, as she and Antonio had grown closer together. They’d purchased a larger family home on the outskirts of Milan, and Maisie couldn’t wait to begin their life there together.

Taking Max’s hand, she left the sacristy of the church and paused on the threshold of the sanctuary, her heart overflowing with love and thankfulness and joy. Antonio turned slightly, his eyes flaring with love and desire as he caught sight of her. A small smile quirked his lips, and Maisie grinned back with all the joy she felt. Then, her head held high, she started down the aisle.

* * *

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