Page 37 of Greek's Baby of Redemption
‘Are you?’ Alex asked in a raw voice. She’d faced the kind of rejection he hadn’t let himself face, because he’d hidden himself away. She was, he realised, far braver than he’d ever been.
‘Yes,’ Milly said firmly. She lifted her head to look at him, blinking back tears, her jaw set. So brave. ‘Yes, I am. But perhaps now you understand, Alex, why I acted the way I did on our wedding night. I had painful memories, too.’
His jaw clenched with self-recrimination. ‘I wish I’d known.’
‘You never gave me the chance to tell you. And I admit, I didn’t really want to lay myself bare like that.’ Despite everything, she managed a wry smile. ‘I was bare enough.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Alex managed, the words feeling both strange and sincere. ‘I didn’t realise that. I didn’t...’ He shook his head. ‘I suppose I was only thinking about myself.’ Even though he’d convinced himself he was thinking about her, being kind when in reality he’d just been protecting himself. Again.
‘So here we are.’ Milly flung her arms out. ‘Two people who got it all badly wrong, because they were both so scared.’
He opened his mouth to deny it, but how could he? As much as it shamed him, he had been scared. Scared of being rejected. Of being hurt. And so he’d hurt her instead.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said again.
They stared at each other for a long moment, the air tautening between them. ‘So now what?’ Milly finally asked softly. ‘Are you still determined to annul our marriage?’
‘I thought I was doing you a kindness.’
‘And I’m telling you now you aren’t.’
He took a deep breath, forced himself to ask the question. ‘Do you really want to be married to me, Milly? Anna can stay in school. You can keep the five million euros—’
‘I honour my commitments, Alex. My vows.’ Her voice shook. ‘And the truth is, I don’t want to be rejected again. I’m not looking for love, but I thought—I hoped—we could have some kind of affection between us. But perhaps now I need to ask you the same question—do you really want to be married to me? Do you—do you desire me?’ Her voice trembled and broke on the words.
For a moment Alex couldn’t speak. He couldn’t believe she’d suffered from as much doubt as he had—and he hadn’t even realised. And now she was asking him point-blank to admit the truth, and he knew he would, he had to, no matter what it cost him. Even if she turned away. ‘Yes,’ he said in a low voice. ‘I do. Truly, I do. You’re lovely, Milly. The freckles on your shoulders...’
She let out an incredulous laugh. ‘Of all the things...the freckles on my shoulders??
‘I dreamed about kissing them,’ he admitted, heat unfurling through his body at the thought. He wanted to kiss them now. ‘Kissing all of you...’
Her eyes smoked and blazed as she met his gaze boldly. ‘Then do it,’ she said.
HEAT BLOOMED AND rushed through Milly as she stared at Alex, daring him to prove his desire. Needing him to desperately, because if he didn’t do something, she would. Or else she would combust.
‘You mean...’ he began, looking startled, and she wondered how such a powerful and beautiful man could have become so uncertain. The scars were deeper than they looked.
‘Yes. Now.’ Her voice turned ragged with her need. ‘Please.’
He took a step towards her, and then another. Milly held her breath. Then he was standing in front of her, looking at her in wonder. ‘Are you sure...?’
‘How many times do I have to say it?’ Milly demanded.
Gently he touched his fingers to her lips, and even that sent need arrowing to her core. ‘I haven’t kissed a woman since before the accident. I haven’t so much as touched...’
‘Touch me.’
And then he did. He bent his head, one hand anchored to her waist as his lips skimmed hers. Her mouth opened hungrily, already wanting more. She reached up and put her hands on his strong shoulders, drawing herself to him. As their bodies collided she sucked in a hard breath. Everything in her felt as if it were on fire.
And amazingly, wonderfully, Alex seemed to feel the same, for his brush of a kiss turned into something hungry and demanding, something wonderful. His mouth plundered hers as he pulled her tight against him.
‘Now do you doubt me?’ he demanded in a growl against her mouth, and she let out an incredulous laugh, intoxicated by the need she felt in both him and herself.
‘Show me more.’