Page 60 of Vows to Save His Crown
‘Then that’s all that matters. That’s what will get us through the ups and downs. That’s what will last.’
‘Yes, it will,’ Mateo agreed, and then leaned forward to kiss her. He settled his mouth softly on hers, and it felt as if he was finally coming home, the two of them together, now and for ever.
Three years later
‘MAMA, MAMA, LOOK at me!’
Rachel laughed and clapped her hands as her daughter, Daphne, ran towards her, her dark hair tumbling over her shoulders, her blue-green eyes alight with happiness and mischief.
It was a bright, sunny day, the sky picture-postcard-blue, the white sand of Kallyria’s famous beaches stretching out before them. They were holidaying at the royal summer palace on the western coast of Kallyria. In the three years since Mateo had taken the crown, he’d dealt with the insurgents, stabilised the country’s economy, and been a leader in bringing Kallyria into a modern and progressive world. It hadn’t always been easy, but Rachel had been with him every step of the way.
She’d expanded into the role of Queen with energy and grace, not in small part down to Mateo’s unwavering support and love. She’d also taken a six-week research position at the university in Athens last year, which he’d wholeheartedly supported.
But her heart was in Kallyria with her King and her family, and she knew there was nowhere else she’d rather be.
A year ago her mother had died, and Rachel had had the privilege of being with her at the end. To her surprise, although her mother hadn’t remembered who she was in months, she’d turned to her suddenly, grasping her hand with surprising vigour, and said, ‘I’m sorry. Do you know that, Rachel? That I’m sorry?’
And Rachel, with tears in her eyes, had said she had.
Now she scooped up her daughter and pressed her lips to her sun-warmed cheek, revelling in the simple joy of the moment. From behind her she heard Mateo coming through the French windows of the palace that led directly onto the beach.
‘This one’s up and ready for his mama.’
With a smile Rachel exchanged armfuls with her husband—he took Daphne and she took her three-month-old son, Kosmos, who nuzzled into her neck.
‘Come on, moraki mou,’ he said cheerfully as he tossed Daphne over his shoulder and tickled her tummy. ‘Time for lunch.’
‘And this one is ready for lunch too,’ Rachel said as she followed him inside.
Sunlight streamed across the floor and Mateo caught her eye as he settled Daphne at the table, and Rachel curled up on the sofa to feed Kosmos.
The look he gave her was lingering, full of love as well as promise. Was it possible to be this happy? This thankful? This amazed?
Meeting her husband’s loving gaze, feeling the warmth of it right down to her toes, Rachel knew it was, and with her heart full to bursting she smiled back.
* * *
If you fell in love with Vows to Save His Crown, you’re sure to adore these other stories by Kate Hewitt!
The Secret Kept from the Italian
Greek’s Baby of Redemption
Claiming My Bride of Convenience
The Italian’s Unexpected Baby
Available now!
Keep reading for an excerpt from Hired by the Impossible Greek by Clare Connelly.
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