Page 13 of Sharing Samantha
But, whatever comes of that, I’m ready for it. And I mean that honestly. Because in the span of, what, an hour of knowing Samantha? Well, I’d give it all up for her, and I know that absolutely.
We’re still cracking up and kicking snow at each other as we tumble onto porch by the back door, and suddenly, we realize we’re not alone.
“Huh, so, what do we have here?”
Samantha gasps, dropping out of my arms and yanking the towel around herself. Her face hardens, and I can see by her body language that this ain’t good. I can also see by the way Reece’s lips pull back in a snarl that the guy in the suit sitting on the bench next to the backdoor is trouble.
“What—what are you doing here, Ken?”
There’s a fear in her voice, and that alone gets the heat rising up inside of me. I can feel my hands close into fists like an automatic reaction, my muscles clenching as I eye up the preppy-looking asshole glaring at her.
“Why don’t you take a step back,” I mutter quietly.
He snorts, turning to me and glaring. And I can see from his eyes that he’s been drinking.
“Hey, fuck you, pal,” he spits at me. I could hit him, but I don’t. I’m not that overly-aggressive asshole type. And the guy’s drunk. I’ll give him the one free pass on swearing at me.
He turns on unsteady feet towards Samantha, glaring at her, his mouth small. “You know, I came back here to talk.”
She smiles thinly. “I don’t see what we have to talk about.”
“Sam, I made mistakes, and—”
“I think that’s putting it lightly,” Reece growls. I glance at him, seeing rage on his face, and suddenly, I know who this is. Ken, as in her ex. He came up back in the hot tub when they were telling me about Reece kissing her and pretending to be her boyfriend. And now, I seriously rethink having not just hit this asshole in the mouth.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Ken spits at Reece before he snorts, glancing at me. “And what the fuck, man? Thought she was yours?”
“She is.”
There’s a dangerous edge to my buddy’s voice, but Ken doesn’t seem to hear it. He’s going to regret that.
“And here she is in a fuckin’ bikini giggling like a bitch in heat while some other guy manhandles her?”
I see red. I see blind fucking red, and I snarl as I move right into the guy, getting in his face.
“You need to seriously rethink the next words that come out of your mouth,” I hiss.
Ken snorts, too stupid or too drunk to see how close he is to both of us not holding back anymore.
“Well shit, so it’s like that, huh?” He smiles at Samantha. “Maybe that’s why we just never worked out. Cause a dirty slut like you needs two guys, you fucking whor—”
In fairness, I did warn him.
My fist connects with Ken’s mouth hard, so hard that I seriously wonder if I’ve broken his jaw. He screams, stumbling backwards and falling off the side of the low porch into the snow, sputtering and wailing as blood pours down from his split lip.
Oh but we’re not even close to done with him.
Reece roars, jumping off the porch after him, kicking him in the side as Ken squeals and tries to crawl away.
“Get up!” Reece bellows, kicking the shithead again. “Get up, you fucking prick!”
Ken does, but just as he’s up, Reece knocks his ass back down. This time, it’s me who hauls his sorry ass up, sinking a fist into his gut before I shove him back down.
“Leave. Now,” I snarl, both my eyes and Reece’s blazing pure fire and murder at the guy as he pathetically picks himself up and runs for his car—this gleaming black Porsche.
“Fuck you two!” he screams over his shoulder as he yanks the door open. “You can have her. Fucking slut!”
…Oh this guy just doesn’t know when to quit.
He screams like a little girl, jumping into the car and slamming the door shut as Reece and I run for him. The engine roars to life, but before he can even get it into drive, we’re on him. There’s a low rock wall to the side of the driveway, and Reece and each grab huge stones from the top of it. Reece’s boot takes out one of Ken’s headlights, the rock in his hand taking chunks out of the hood as he hammers it down.
Ken’s screaming bloody murder, his face pale as he desperately tries to get the car into drive and find purchase on the slippery drive. He does, but not before the rock in my hands goes through his windshield in an explosion of glass. The mangled Porsche spins out, fishtailing wildly as it roars down the driveway. But not before Reece heaves another rock through his back windshield, and not before I get one embedded in the roof.