Page 44 of Claiming My Bride of Convenience
‘They’ll find out soon enough.’
‘Wait...what?’ She turned to me, her lovely eyes wide with surprise. ‘What do you mean? You’re not going to tell them...?’
‘Why not?’
‘Because this is a trial...’
She sounded uncertain, and I pounced on it.
‘What would you rather, Daisy? I introduce you as my wife, or my latest mistress?’
Her chin tilted up a notch. ‘I suppose there’s no other option?’
‘Of course not.’
‘And will you tell them how long we’ve been married? That I’ve been tucked away like a dirty secret for three years while you’ve worked your way through who knows how many women?’
There was no spite in her voice, only bleak honesty.
‘That is hardly how I would describe it, and in any case no one needs to know how long we’ve been married—just that we are.’
We were entering the museum, and she faltered at the archway. ‘I’m going to be torn to pieces,’ she whispered. ‘Everyone’s going to wonder what on earth you were thinking, marrying a nobody like me.’
‘I assure you, no one will think any such thing. I won’t let them.’ I spoke fiercely, more fiercely than I meant to, hating the thought of anyone looking down on her. ‘Besides, it isn’t true. You aren’t a nobody, Daisy Dias. You are a beautiful, poised, accomplished businesswoman in your own right, and I’m proud and honoured to have you on my arm, as my wife.’
Tears sparkled like tiny diamonds on her lashes as she looked at me in amazement. ‘ you really mean that?’
With an uncomfortable jolt, I realised that I did. ‘Yes, I do.’
I felt as if I were making more of a proclamation than I’d intended, but I reminded myself that I hadn’t said anything about feelings. About caring.
‘Now, let’s get this party started,’ I said with a smile, and I took a starched handkerchief from my pocket to dab carefully at her eyes. She gave me a tremulous smile in response.
‘Thank you,’ she whispered, and I didn’t reply, because I’d surely said too much already.
It became apparent within just a few minutes of our arrival that Daisy had absolutely nothing to fear. She was luminous, and people were drawn to her inner beauty and natural warmth just as I was. Of course there were a few dagger-eyed darlings who unsheathed their claws, but Daisy simply ignored them.
I watched, with a glass of champagne raised to my lips, as she chatted to a billionaire’s wife about—of all things—quilting. Apparently the woman had a hobby... Daisy moved her arms in elegant arcs as she explained, I supposed, how one went about making a quilt, and the woman—who was wearing over a million euros’ worth of diamonds—listened in rapt attention. Who knew?
‘Hello, Matteo.’
I started at the feel of an arm that was winding through mine, and looked down at the pair of cat-green eyes narrowed up at me. ‘Hello, Veronique.’ Just about the last person I wished to see, but I supposed it was inevitable.
‘You haven’t rung.’ She pouted prettily—except it wasn’t.
‘Our liaison is over.’ I disentangled my arm and took a step away from her. ‘I thought I made that clear when we last saw each other.’
Only two weeks ago, but it felt like a lifetime. It was a lifetime.
‘Because of...that?’
She nodded towards Daisy and my fingers tightened around the stem of my glass.
‘That,’ I informed her coldly, ‘is my wife. And I’d thank you to speak of her with the highest respect.’
Veronique’s face twisted in angry, ugly shock. ‘You got married?’
‘So it would seem.’