Page 18 of Unwrapping His Mountain Package
He pulled back, and I looked up, past him, to the big window set into the wall behind the couch.
“Oh, wow.”
The clouds had cleared a little, and suddenly, I saw exactly why someone had gone and built a cabin up here on top of this mountain in the middle of nowhere.
Holy shit.
He turned, and he slowly whistled
“Well damn.”
The view was spectacular. The whole valley and mountain range was laid out before us with the sun setting low over the horizon. Oranges and reds and purples dyed the snow and the trees in magical colors, and it felt like we were on top of the whole world as we sat there looking out.
“We could just stay here,” I said quietly. “I mean instead of running somewhere to escape them. We just say here and make this our home.”
“It does have a pretty fucking great view,” he murmured.
I smiled, but when I turned back and saw his eyes on me and not the sunset, I blushed. “Smooth talker.”
He grinned, kissing me before he looked past me. “What do you think that is?”
I followed his gaze, looking out at this little round patch of flatness right outside the back door to the cabin. Like a little circle ringed in a low little fence, covered in snow.
“No idea?”
Dane nodded slowly. “You know what? It’s a water trap. Whoever lived here probably cut a side-channel off a stream or made some sort of rain collection for fresh water up here.”
“So you’re saying our weekend retreat has an outdoor hot tub?”
He arched a brow. “I’m saying it’s a giant pool of frozen fucking water.”
I wagged my brows, grinning at him, and suddenly, he got what I was thinking.
“Oh, fuck no.”
“C’mon!” I giggled, jumping off his lap. “It’ll be fun! Real quick, in and out, and then back in here to warm up.”
Dane shook his head. “Not a fucking chance. How much of that whiskey have you had?”
I laughed, turning and slowly peeling my shirt off. I tossed it back to him, glancing over my shoulder and winking at him as I peeled my dry sweats off and kicked them away. I wiggled my bare ass at him, and when I heard him growl lowly behind me, I shivered heatedly.
“What are you, chicken?”
Dane eyed me. “No, I just like my dick not frostbitten.”
“I can think of a few ways to warm it up after we get back inside,” I purred, biting my lip as I turned and cocked a hip. “Unless maybe you’re just a pussy?”
Dane’s jaw tightened, and I shivered as the grin spread over my face.
Oh, that did it.
I screeched as he lunged to his feet, kicking his clothes away before darting to grab me. And I was still giggling as he ran out outside with me in his arms, both of us buck naked, shivering, and laughing. Dane used a rock to smash the ice, and we stopped for one second on the edge of the pool, looking at each other in the glowing dim of the sunset.
This was wild. This was totally insane. But, he made me insane. He made me want to do crazy things. He made me never want to leave his side.
…He made me want to take the leap of faith and take the plunge. And that’s exactly what we did.
It was insane, but then, wasn’t all of this? Wasn’t finding a half-naked girl in the back of your truck insane? Wasn’t driving off a road and tumbling down mountainside and then being buried in an avalanche insane?
Wasn’t realizing that you were falling completely in love with the mysterious half naked girl found in the back of your truck insane?
It was, but I didn’t care. Because all of this craziness had brought me her. All of it — the war, the Marines, working for Angelo, looking for a way out, driving over this damn mountain and crashing. Every step had brought me right here, to her. And crazy or not, I wouldn’t change a damn thing.
We were frozen as we tumbled back into the cabin, shivering and panting as the frozen water chilled us to the bone. I held Holly tightly in my arms, her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck as she hugged that tight little nude body to me. And fuck, cold or not, the feel of her against me like that had my cock rising to the occasion.
I kicked the door shut and stormed over to the fireplace, using one hand to hold her and the other to toss on three more logs of wood. The fire roared to life, blazing heat over us as I turned and grabbed the blankets from the couch and tossed them to ground in front of the fire.
The fire would warm us up. So would the blankets.
…And I had a third way.